c h a p t e r t w e n t y s i x

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"The beginning of the end."


After a short delay, The hailstorm inside the room slowly faded. Mists were all over the place. Sunghoon walked out the freezing room, seeing Jungwon, Daniel and K outside the room. 

"They escaped. tsss."

"they'll attack soon. Knowing that K-hyung is still unconscious and Heeseung-hyung missing, They'll assault the building tomorrow."
Sunghoon told Jungwon and Daniel. They are still confused about what happened.

"Sunghoon-hyung.... Why did you do that?"
Jungwon asked him, keeping his guards up in case Sunghoon might attack again. he guarded K's unconscious body too.

"Do what?"

"You attacked Jake-hyung..."
Sunghoon looked at him with blank expression. The coldness on his eyes sent chills to Jungwon.

"He was the one who killed taki."
Sunghoon said, Glancing on the camera near the hallway. His eyes turned purple and covered the camera with ice. Jungwon and Daniel was flabbergasted and combobulated.

"Jake-hyung can do that?"
Sunghoon shrugged his shoulder with disappointment.

"That's what i know. And seeing what happened earlier, It made much more sense."
Sunghoon gritted his teeth with annoyance. Jay was missing too. So he's probably with jake. Meaning, he's also a traitor like jake.

"Shut down the cameras all through out the building. Tell that to everyone too."
Sunghoon said walking away to clear the lower areas.

Jungwon ran towards him.

"What... should we do..? For sure they'll know Heeseung's-"

"Stick to Heeseung-hyung's plan."
Sunghoon didn't even turned to Jungwon.

"but Heeseung-hyung is missing-"

Sunghoon glanced at Jungwon, wearing his devilish smirk.

"You really don't care what will happen?"

"What should i care about? Your lives?"
Sunghoon blatantly said and walked towards Jungwon. His eyes turned purple, Jungwon's too. His sixth sense activated seeing how Sunghoon will attack him 10 seconds from now.

nitrogen near Sunghoon began to crystallize, rushing towards Jungwon like bullets. Jungwon activated his Seventh sense and rewrite the future, making the crystallized nitrogens lose it's form and turned into gas again. Jungwon gritted his teeth and glared towards Sunghoon. Sunghoon nodded his head.

"You can handle yourself already Jungwon-ah. I'm pretty sure the others too."
That's Sunghoon's final statement before going to the elevator and disappearing on their sights.


(Kinda R-15 scenes... If you are not old enough, please skip.)

Yuri entered Jake's room holding a cup of warm tea. She was alarmed by Jake's doctor that he was now awake.

Yuri roam her eyes around the whole room, Seeing no one inside.

She put the warm tea on the side table and walked towards the door, looking left and right if he left from the hallway.

"where is...-"
She was cut by someone hugging her from behind. His hands were really cold. His chilly breath touched her neck.

"My queen..."
jake panted trying his best to breath properly.

Yuri turned around and cupped his face.

"Where did you go...?"
She said smiling, bumping her nose to jake's.

"I want to surprise you.."
He said and pulled her closer, putting butterfly kisses on her neck, His hands travelling on her waist.

"yah why are you so naughty?"
yuri chuckled and pushed him slightly. Jake raised his eyebrow, slightly confused with her action.

"sleep. rest. you're still not fully recovered yet. We need you at your full strength tomorrow so reserve your remaining energy. Okay?"
jake frowned and childishly walked towards his bed, stomping like a 7 year old kid with a cute pout on his lips.

"Don't pout like that Jake. It doesn't look good on you."
Yuri chuckled.

"A pout means a kiss."
Jake playfully folded his arms on his chest. Yuri shook her head and leaned forward, pecking him on his lips.

"Now rest. okay?"

Jake answered, covering himself up with the comforter. yeri walked towards the door, glancing towards Jake's bed before walking out the room.


"You're ready?"

Yoo Jonghyuk looked at Heeseung as he geared himself up.

"We'll avenge mom right?"
Heeseung asked his dad. Yoo Jonghyuk smiled at him, a warm smile of a parent that comforts Heeseung.

"It will be okay... Everything will be okay.. We'll give Justice to your mother. I promise."
he said, walking towards Heeseung to give him a warm hug,

Yoo Jonghyuk hid his expression. He can't help it but to smile after he brainwashed his own son.

Smiling smugly when his son can't see.

But what he don't know..

what he can't notice,

What he can't see behind his back.

Heeseung was there, doing the same to him.


Last three chapters will be uploaded tomorrow i guess?? I'll hustle it so that i can focus on Akinetopsia T^T

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