c h a p t e r n i n e

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"This is the calm before the storm. BEWARE."


the chess pieces rumbles as he vigorously put the queen piece on the black tile near the enemy's team.

he grin as the old man trembled in fear. Unable to move his fingers anymore, he cannot do anything to answer and just surrendered. His defense is already opened up, like his opponent can clearly see what he will do and what he will think.

"You sure you are the greatest chess player here?"
He irritatingly said, kicking the old man's face aggressively.

"I-I-I am undefeated... until you came, Your majesty."
he cried out in fear, crouching on the ground and bowing with the politest way he could be.

"spare me. I shall entertain you more."
he said without even looking at the guy in front of him, His forehead touching the floor

The guy called 'your majesty' rolled his eyes, Throwing the chess piece towards the man.


The sound of flesh exploding enveloped the four corners of the room. The chess piece that hit the man exploded as soon as it came contact on his skin. it was like a bomb that was detonated instantly.

"second chances were only given by the angels. You are speaking to satan himself."
He laughed, Licking the blood splattered on his hand.

His assistant arrived, shook for a milisecond with the scene but immediately reported to him what he need to tell.

"The League. they are making a move now. "

he smirked at his servant, as if he expected the report. He poured the red wine from the bottle to his glass and spoke.

"Stick on the plan. Play with them. I assume Lust and Greed is already enough for their satisfactiom."
he told him as he sighed out of boredom, He walked towards the glass window on the corner of the room, seeing the beautiful streetlights of Seoul.

"I will summon them at once."

"they already lost their best defense. everything they will do is according to my plan."


Everyone on the room seems anxious and stiff. some were unable to process anything that happened, some were just angry.

"It's on the library. He was caught inside the library."
Niki said closing his eyes while touching Geonu's cardigan.

"That's bullshit."
Heeseung, who is already mad became even madder the moment he realized he was the one at fault here.

"Can you see their faces? Can you identify them?"
Niki shook his head. His ability grants him to see the memory of an object. The POV will be the user of the object so therefore, he is seeing what Geonu saw.

"Pure darkness.. It's just darkness. He was stabbed from the back."
Niki opened his eyes suddenly, shook with what he saw.

"what is it?"
Heeseung asked Niki anxiously, holding his two shoulders like he's dying to know what did he saw.

"T-the guy..... I saw him."
niki looked a bit stressed and traumatized. but surprisingly, his mouth formed an evil smirk.

"they are challenging us. They want us dead too... They will be hunting for our heads. They will not stop... HAHAHA!"
he laughed. Heeseung sighed and looked at his hyung, Hanbin.

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