bet (c. goode)

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"Madison, no, I can't do this," you groaned to the blonde witch next to you on the couch, who rolled her eyes at your pathetic excuses, "Delia is going to kill us both."

"Well, you do want to get her attention, don't you? It's the perfect way. We just need to get permission to go out, and it's a Saturday, anyway. "

Running a hand through your long dark hair, your thoughts spiraled, going back to the past week, when you and Madison were mildly drunk and came up with the most stupid bet ever to exist.

"If I can get more people to scold me for a sexy outfit than you, you have to do a dare I give you," the blonde beside you slurred with a giggle.

Slapping her lightly on the arm, you laughed, "You're on, bitch."

So that week on the agreed date, both of you showed up to classes wearing the most revealing and scandalous outfit you had.



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But of course, she had been scolded by every single person, including the headmistress, beating you by a single reprimand

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But of course, she had been scolded by every single person, including the headmistress, beating you by a single reprimand.

"Hello? Y/N? Are you there?" Madison asked, snapping her fingers in front of you to break your trance.

As you stood up suddenly, you tied your hair back into a messy bun and responded, "Let's go. I'll get us permission from Delia."

Stuffing your hair into a black beanie, you walked to the supreme's office, knocking gently, "Come in," her soft voice called.

You nervously entered the spacious office, playing with the hem of your oversized shirt you were wearing over jeans and sneakers.

"Is there anything you need, Y/N?" Cordelia asked kindly, looking up from her laptop. You took a deep breath before responding, "Can Madison and I get permission to go to the mall today?"

Pushing up her glasses through her blonde hair, she was thoughtful for a second, eventually replying, "Sure, just make sure to be back for dinner."

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