language (tammy)

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Being childhood friends with Tammy, you knew she had always been made to be a mother. She had been the person who always made sure you stayed hydrated and safe and all that, always telling you off for swearing, as if she didn't.

So it was no surprise to you when she said she had found a guy she loved a lot and was going to marry. Sure, it hurt a little because you had been in love with this woman all your life, but you were happy that she had found her happiness, even if it wasn't with you.

And that was exactly how you found yourself sitting on the playroom floor, stacking wooden blocks with her two kids while she went to see Debbie and Lou and the gang. (Yes, you were aware of her criminal history, and that didn't diminish your love for her at all, in fact, it made you love her even more.)

"Y/N, when's mommy coming home?" Derek asked from beside you.

You checked the time on your watch, still stacking the blocks, "She's supposed to be home in a while, but she might be late."

"I miss mama," Keri pouted from your other side.

"I know you two miss your mama, but she asked me to take care of you while she did some stuff, so how about we just play for a while so she can finish sooner?"

"Okay!" the two kids exclaimed, which made you grin.

The three of you played with Legos and dolls and blocks until you heard the door open and Tammy's voice call from downstairs, "Y/N? Where are you?"

"We're upstairs, Tam!" you called back. attempting to stand up, you weren't aware your leg had fallen asleep and you wobbled, stumbled, and eventually stepped on a small Lego brick that you could swear wasn't there a moment ago. "Fuck!"

There was the awkward moment of silence when you looked at the children, who had been watching you intently with increasing interest.

"Kids," you said warningly, trying to stop them, "please don't tell mommy I said that."

"Fuck," Derek giggled, which made Keri burst in laughter as well, both of them repeating the profane word.

"Guys, your mommy's downstairs, and we can go see her, but please stop saying that word."

"Mommy's here? Mommy!" the two kids quickly got up and ran out. You mentally kicked yourself before running after them. "You had one job, Y/N. One job."

You tried to stop them, but it was too late, Tammy was already hugging her kids and kissing them all over.

"Hey, Y/N, did they behave themselves today?" the blonde asked you, "And did the two of you have fun?"

"We played with Legos!" Keri exclaimed, her brother nodding enthusiastically, "Y/N stepped on one!"

"Today sure was, uh, something," you mumbled, looking down.

She stood up and hugged you, placing a soft kiss to your cheek, "Thanks so much for taking care of them."

"It was my pleasure," you mumbled. neither of you moved, you just stayed there, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her golden hair.

"Fuck," a childish voice called from behind her, making you stiffen up.

Tammy turned around to see both of her kids wearing grins, "Who said that?"

Keri pointed to Derek, and Derek pointed to you. Well, I'm fucked, you thought. Trying to inch your away from your friend, you raised your hands in surrender, "Tammy, I can explain. Please don't murder me."

"Kids, would you please go up and play for a while?" she asked, smiling sweetly, "I'm just going to have a talk with Y/N here."

The two troublemakers ran up the stairs, leaving you alone with their mother. As much as you loved your time with Tammy, her sickly sweet smile scared you a lot. Maybe more than you'd like to admit.

"Relax, Y/N, I'm not going to eat you," she said lowly, coming closer and pinning you against the wall, "I'm just thinking of an appropriate punishment for your foul mouth."

"Please don't, Tammy," you whimpered, knowing exactly what the blonde was thinking.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" she whispered against your ear, "You shouldn't have cursed then. You know how much I hate swearing in front of the kids."

"I'm really, really sorry, Tammy, please just don't do it. It was an accident! I stepped on a Lego and it hurt a lot, okay?"

"Uh-uh, Y/N, I'm sorry, but bad girls must get punished," she said, shaking her head.

Her hand suddenly clamped around your wrist and began dragging you to the couch, where she began her attack.

Tickling your sides, she started blowing raspberries on your sensitive neck, making you shriek and giggle like a child. She knew every weak spot of yours, from your ribs, to your neck, to your thighs, she hit every single one mercilessly.

"Tammy, please," you wheezed in between hisses, "Please, stop."

"What's the magic word, sweetheart?"

"Pretty please? I-" trying to fight back, you choked out your words, "I'm sorry I cursed! I won't do it again!"

"Good," she grinned, wiping some sweat off her brow, "Now move, I'm exhausted."

"You're exhausted? What about me?" you protested, but moved anyway so she could sit beside you. She took her spot and lay her head on your lap, rolling her eyes. "You brought it upon yourself, doofus."

"Doofus? I'm offended."

"Stop being so dramatic, you big baby."

"First say I'm your baby."

"Why do I have to say it? You already know you are."

wc : 932

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