christmas carols (xandra)

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" you yelled at your best friend, who happened to be underneath you, burrowing under her covers, "Let's eat, I'm fucking hungryyy," you persisted, shaking her awake.

"Let me sleep, Y/N," Xandra grumbled, lazily trying to push you off, "Go eat by yourself."

Sighing dramatically, you replied, "You leave me no choice, Xandra with an x."

"If you start singing, I will physically attack you," Xandra's voice came muffled from under you.

"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new yeaaar," you warbled, very very off-key, making the older woman poke her head out of the blankets.

"It's fucking August, Y/N," Xandra groaned, "And a promise is a promise."

Grabbing you by the hips, she reversed your positions and sat on your stomach while her hands started assaulting you everywhere, from your neck to your sides, she knew every weak spot.

"Xandra," you gasped, out of breath from giggling, "please...stop"

"What's the magic word, honey?" she replied, continuing to poke your sides, eliciting yet another fit of laughter, "Pretty please?" you managed to choke out shakily.

"Fine, you brat," Xandra rolled her eyes, laying next to you on the bed, "You're lucky I'm nice."

"Of are," you said, chest heaving, cheeks still red, "That's
why I love you."

Getting up, she patted your head gently, "Aw, I love you too, you big baby. Now let's go eat," she said, dragging you out of bed.

As you sat on a chair in the kitchen, Xandra brought out a frying pan and pointed it at you like Rapunzel, "Bacon and eggs or pancakes?"

"Pancakes, duh," you answered, rolling your eyes once she had turned away.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, Y/N, or you're cooking your own food."

"What makes you think I did, huh?"

"I could feel the disrespect coming from you, stupid."

Huffing, you placed your chin in your hand, "Figures."

As the smell of cooking food filled the air, you sat quietly, observing the older blonde while she was working. And then something very weird happened.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need," you heard her singing softly under her breath, making you furrow your brows. "Are you singing? More importantly, is that a Christmas song I hear?"

"I wasn't singing, dumbo," she lied, which earned an eye roll and a "yeah, right," from you.

"Even if I was singing, which I wasn't," she defended, still not taking her eyes off the food, "what does it matter to you?"

Crossing your arms over your chest, you glared at her, "You constantly tell me I'm off-key, I'm just waiting for you to sing so I can repay the favor."

"Well, duh, you are off-key, Y/N," she replied, placing the pancakes on a plate at the table, "and I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you."

"Why wouldn't you?" you asked, getting up to get some juice from the fridge, "I heard you singing just now, just admit it."

"You have no evidence that I was singing," Xandra said, taking a bite of the pancakes that she had drowned in syrup, "therefore even if I did, you wouldn't be able to prove it."

You smiled as you took a sip of the drink in your hand, "So you do admit you were singing. And a Christmas song, no less."

"You and your obsession with Christmas songs."

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