mine (b. d. howard)

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Putting the final touches on your lipstick, you checked yourself once more in the mirror before heading out of the door.

Billie had been very busy recently, and tonight was one of the rare times she was free, and the two of you were meeting for dinner at a restaurant. You wanted to look good for her so she'd finally give you some attention.

 You wanted to look good for her so she'd finally give you some attention

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Your phone rang, signaling an incoming call from your girlfriend.

"Hey, Billie," you chirped, "I'm on my way."

"Someone's excited, aren't they?"

With an eye roll, you curtly replied, "Well, this is the first night in how long we can finally have some time together."

"I know, and I can't wait to see you, I just got stuck in some traffic."

"Hurry it up, Howard, you're not allowed to bail on me." you hung up, walking slightly quicker to the meeting place.

Billie frowned at her phone. Of course she understood that you were frustrated, hell, she was frustrated that she hadn't been able to spend time with you for nearly a week.

You, on the other hand, were just scared she'd have to cancel your date again. It irritated you to no end that you couldn't keep your annoyance to yourself and not lash out at your girlfriend, who hadn't really done anything wrong.

Still lost in your thoughts, you sat down at the table you had made reservations for, not even noticing as a waitress made her way over to you.

"May I get your order, ma'am?"

"I'll have a water for now," you replied, still kinda pissed off.

The redhead, or as her nametag read, Rachel, poured water from a pitcher into your glass, observing your behavior.

"Tough day?"

"Can't tear my date away from work," you mumbled, putting your chin on your hand, "And it's seeming she's going to be late today again."

"Oh, so it's a she? What a lucky lady she is to be seeing someone as pretty as you," Rachel commented, with a flirtatious wink, which just made you roll your eyes.

"She's lucky, alright. Lucky I'm not whooping her ass right now."

"Well, I can keep you company until she gets here."

The two of you started making small talk, mostly about what you did for a living, and how you and Billie met.

You were unaware of your girlfriend, who had just arrived. And seeing you talking to a rather attractive waitress sparked something in her.

She strutted over to the table, heels clacking on the floor, and placed a kiss directly on your lips. Which was a very effective tactic to make Rachel highly uncomfortable, and you very confused.

"Sorry I'm late, babygirl, traffic was horrible."

"May I take your orders, ma'am?" the redhead asked awkwardly, shifting from leg to leg.

With a smirk, Billie gave the waitress your orders before taking your hand in hers.

"What the fuck was that, Howard?" you asked, pissed off, "You show up late yet again, then when I'm having a conversation with someone, you go and make them uncomfortable."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm late," she answered huskily, moving next to you, "And can I help it if I don't want anybody else around you?"

"Wh-what is that supposed to mean?"

"You're mine," she whispered, nibbling on your earlobe, "and don't you forget it."

When Rachel came back to bring the orders and found Billie kissing your neck, her cheeks flushed uncontrollably but she still managed to serve the food. Your girlfriend smirked, knowing that her message had been delivered.

"Jealous much, Howard?" you giggled, pulling away from her, "It took you like a week to finally spend some time with me and now that I talk to another girl you're all affectionate and possessive."

With a huff, the blonde ran a hand through her hair, "Well, your outfit isn't making it easy for me to control myself. I'm really sorry I was late. I left early but the traffic was awful."

"So you like my outfit, huh?" you smiled suggestively at the older woman, "Maybe I should dress up like this more often."

"I wouldn't get any work done, baby. I'd spend all my time making sure nobody came near you," Billie chuckled, putting a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"If that's what it takes to get love from you," you mumbled, mouth full, "then I'm sure as fuck willing."

"Jeez, baby, that's kinda drastic, don't you think?"

"A week without as much cuddles as I'm used to is awful. And if I have to resort to drastic measures to get my own girlfriend to cuddle me, then so be it."

"I've got a week off," she chuckled, wiping off some food from the corner of your mouth, "so we can make up for lost time."


Billie nodded, smiling, "At least you won't have to flirt with anyone else to get over your withdrawals."

"It worked, didn't it?"

"It helped, but it wasn't the main thing," she chuckled.

"Then what was it?"

"I wasn't jealous because you were talking to her. I saw her eye-fucking you. And honestly, in that outfit, I can't say I blame her."

"You can't control what other people look at, Howard. And my eyes are up here."

Pecking a soft kiss to your lips, the blonde just smirked, "Well, I can make sure they won't have anything to look at. You're never leaving the house in something that revealing."

"And why would I obey you?" you rolled your eyes at her possessiveness, "You literally ditched our dates this week."

"Let's face it, babygirl, I'm the only one you want eye-fucking you. And you're mine. Nobody else is allowed to so much as look at you."

"How possessive, Miss Howard."


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