busy (c. goode)

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prompt is in bold

"Delia?" you poked your head into her office, where your girlfriend was typing on her laptop.

"What is it, love?"

Pushing your messy hair back, you sauntered over her chair and leaned against the backrest, "Do you have any plans of getting some sleep? More specifically, do you have any plans of sleeping with me?"

"Not tonight, honey, I'm sorry."

"Whyyyyy?" you whined, "C'mon, Delia, please?"

"I'm working, Y/N," she said, running a hand through her golden locks, "I really need to get this done."

"Please?" you asked with a pout.

"Nope," she replied, popping the 'p'.

"Pretty please?"

"Still a no, love, sorry."

You shook your head and sighed dramatically, feigning defeat, and moved to head back to the bedroom, before she spoke again.

"C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working."

"I knew you couldn't resist me. One way or another I still get to be near you." giggling happily, you sat down and leaned back into her. She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, poring over the papers she was encoding. "You're such a huge baby, Y/N."

"I'm your baby," you grinned, taking her glasses and putting them on you, "And I'm too cute to resist."

"You are cute, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't exactly the lightest person around, honey. And give me back my glasses."

With a huff, you shifted to block her view of the screen, "You take that back."

"Please move, I wanna sleep already, Y/N."

"Okay, fine," you groaned, moving back, "But I'm not giving you back your glasses. I've always wanted a pair."

"Fair enough."

There was a comfortable silence as Cordelia went over her work, her arms around you while you were seated on her lap. Paperwork was mildly intriguing to you, but she found it very very boring. Her only consolation was that she was naturally talented at it.

"Your handwriting is amazing, Delia."

"Aw, shush, it's just neat looking but amazing? Not so much."

"Whatever floats your boat, love," you replied with a smile, "Aren't you sleepy yet?"

"I am, but I need to get this done," the older woman groaned, "I hate paperwork, but who else is gonna do it?"

"Well, I'm not volunteering. I'll shut up so you can finish."

"Good call."

Reading her papers, you started running your hands through her hair absentmindedly, too absorbed to notice her increasingly frequent yawns.

"Please stop touching my hair, Y/N," she groaned, trying to stifle a yawn, "You know very well that it makes me sleepy."

"All the more reason for me to do it," you chuckled.

"I'm almost done, just stop for a while, then we can go to bed."

You stopped the movement of your hands for a while, but then started braiding her hair, which didn't take so long either.

She sighed and wrapped her arms around you tightly, sniffing your hair, "I'm sleepy, Y/N."

"Then let's go to bed," you replied, taking her hand and kissing it, "You're mostly done anyway, and you need the rest."

Your girlfriend nodded and allowed herself to rest her head on your shoulder. You could sense she was half-asleep already, so you shut down her laptop, and stacked the papers neatly, while trying not to move so much that she'd be woken. Only once her desk was in order did you gently nudge the older woman.

"Delia, come on, let's get some sleep. Preferably on the bed."

Still yawning, she got up, wobbling slightly, and the two of you made your way to your bedroom. You were really tired and so was she, but you still managed to get Cordelia changed into her sleepwear and make sure both of you brushed your teeth and washed your faces.

"I'm fucking sleepy," Delia groaned, slumping onto the bed, "Normally, I wouldn't have bothered getting cleaned up. I would've just slept."

You shook your head, lying down next to her, "That's why I have never had a cavity in my life, and I am pretty sure you have had at least one already."

"Well, can't lie, that is true," she chuckled, "But now let's get some sleep."

A comfortable silence fell over you as your hands traced soft shapes onto her stomach and her hands tangled into your hair. Gradually you felt Cordelia's hands slow and stop their movements, and upon looking up, you found her fast asleep, looking absolutely serene.

Reaching over to switch off the lamp, you pressed a soft kiss to her temple and held her close.

"I love you."

In that moment, you could have sworn you saw her soft, full lips curve into a smile in the ethereal glow of the moonlight.

"I love you too."

wc : 791

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