mama (w. venable)

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On a day you dropped into town, you found yourself in front of your ex-teacher's apartment, gripping the box in front of you, excited and nervous at the same time to see the woman you missed a lot.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Wilhemina asked once she opened the door.

"Hi, Ms. Venable, I was in town, so I decided to bring you some food."

"Come in, come in," she said quickly, "It's exam season, so you know how busy I am."

"You haven't changed at all, Ms. Venable."

"Oh shush, don't call me that, you're not my student anymore."

"My sister is, though."

"Oh, Sophia? She's just as hard-headed as you were."

"She got that from me," you chuckled, unpacking the food you had brought, "You know, you really shouldn't overwork yourself, mama."

"Mama? I knew you had a capacity for jokes, but that seems weird, even for you."

"It's not a joke, you've always been a mother figure to me, and I really missed you a lot."

"I missed you too. The jokers of the new batches aren't the same."

"I'm flattered you think I'm a joker, I always thought of myself as a slacker."

"How's college life treating you?" she asked, seated across from you in her kitchen.

"Well, it's stressful, given I'm a slacker, mostly I just miss your class."

"Oh shut up, you aren't a slacker, your work in my class was amazing."

Trying to hide the blush creeping up your face, you shrugged, "I'm flattered you think that, Ms. Venable, but I'm complete slacker trash."

"Slacker trash who accidentally left a page of her exam blank."

"That's me," you laughed, "Now, since it's exam season, and knowing you, you'd forget to take care of yourself, is there anything I can help you with?"

She shook her head, flaming hair falling past her shoulders, "I don't need you to do anything, your company is enough, dear."

"I insist, mama," you said firmly as you set a plate of food in front of her, "Now eat, so I can help you out."

"I know there's no talking you out of this, so, I finished washing the laundry yesterday, could you just fold it? That's all I need."

"Good you realized that I can help. I'll sit with you until you're done eating, then I'll get to work."

"So," she said with her mouth full, "how are you guys? Why'd you decide to drop by?"

"Of course I'd go to see the the teacher who motivated me to go to school everyday. My sister told me your class is still the best."

"I have to keep my standards up, you know."

"And for that, we're all grateful," you chuckled.

"And I am done eating, let me wash this, then let's get to work."

"Nuh-uh, mama, remember, I'm here to help you out. Now, give me that, I'll meet you wherever you're going to work."

"You're too kind, Y/N."

"Anything for you, mama."

"I'll be in the living room."

"I'ma be right there in a while."


"So, where's the laundry? Lemme at 'em," you said enthusiastically as you entered the living room.

Wilhemina chuckled softly, pointing to the direction you came from, "It's in the bedroom, first door on the left."

"This basket?"


"You don't have that much laundry. I'm officially envious," you huffed.

"Well, I do live alone. It'd be weird to have a lot of clothes to wash."

"Fair point, but, this is a lot of purple."

"You act like you don't know me by now."

Laughing, you started folding the clothes in the pile, "Well, I think I do, but only as Ms. Venable. I want to get to know my mama. What's your nickname?"

"You already know my name, silly."

"Wilhemina, right?"

"Yeah, but my friends call me Mina."

"So, you're my Mama Mina," you tried to stop the grin from spreading, "How cute."

"Stop, Y/N, you're just laughing at my name," she protested, but she was smiling too.

"Okay, mama, whose paper are you grading?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business, young lady."

"Aw, come on! I'm literally almost done! Please? Can I see my sister's grades?"

"I'm sorry, but it'll have to be a no. When you're done there I might let you organize some papers. If I remember correctly, you enjoy doing that."

You grinned, knowing that both of you were thinking about the times you spent sitting in an empty classroom organizing and checking test papers. Mina knew very well you were a sucker for paperwork, and she found it very sweet how you'd always offer your help to her.

"So," you said after running into her bedroom to put away her clothes, "What am I doing?"

"You can arrange it in alphabetical order, if you're okay with that."

"Okay with that? Of course I'm okay, I literally live for this."

"Whatever you say, honey," she replied, handing you the stack of exams.

"My mama's always so hardworking. Best teacher award."

"Aw, stop, you're making me blush."

"I don't see you blushing."

"Don't you have sarcasm in your world?"

Feigning offense, you put a hand over your chest, "Okay, ouch."

"Shush, you big baby, I'm trying to decipher these ancient runes."

"What do you mean, ancient runes? That handwriting is fantastic!"

"Fantastic to you, to me, this is barely even legible."

"My handwriting was worse, mama."

"I know," she replied nonchalantly without looking up.

"And yet you say my work in your class was amazing."

"Let's face it, I'm biased. You're the only student who bothers to help me."

"What can I say? You're my favorite teacher."

"And you're my favorite student."

"Can I see those now?"

"No. Don't push your luck, young lady."

"Worth a shot."

wc : 968

mkay soft mina today, hope y'all liked it and if you're still reading this book, then thanks a lot !

drop your opinions and requests !!

- mayesha 🤧

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