midnight snack (s. paulson)

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Rolling over in bed, you felt your stomach rumble in hunger and for about 10 minutes, you ignored it, trying to get back to sleep in your lover's embrace.

After a while, the urge to eat became unbearable, so you quietly and discreetly slipped out of Sarah's arms, creeping out of your bedroom and into the kitchen. The floors were cold under your bare feet, and you tried as much as possible to muffle any sounds you might make. As you wanted to be cautious and undetectable, you grimaced every time you heard anything, from the click of the light switch to the creaking of the floorboards. Checking the fridge for leftovers, you were saddened to find nothing much to eat except for some bread and other spreads, just enough for a sandwich.

Still making sure to keep quiet, you spread some peanut butter onto the slice of bread and devoured it, browsing through your phone. Eating a second sandwich, you sat with your back to the door, absentmindedly swinging your legs and taking sips of your orange juice. All the while still making as little sound as you could.

"Y/N?" you heard from behind you, making you jump and yelp, "What the fuck?"

With your caution, you thought you could get away with your illegal eating, but unfortunately, something had woken your girlfriend up and alerted her to your late-night activities.

"I think I should be the one asking you that, love," she laughed, voice still raspy with sleep, "Why are you eating a sandwich at 2am?"

Swallowing the mouthful of food, you mumbled, "Got hungry," with a shameful look on your face.

"Well, now I'm hungry too. What do you want to eat?" the older woman said, wrapping her arms around you and kissing the back of your head.

You could only shake your head in disbelief, "Are you seriously going to cook in the middle of the night?"

"It's never too early or too late for food, honey," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm feeling Spam and eggs, what do you think?"

"You know me, Sarah," you said with a smile, sipping your drink, "As long as it's food, I'm good."

Pushing her short hair back, she pulled a frying pan from the shelf and started to heat some butter,  "Can you slice the Spam, honey?"

"Sure," you answered, obediently starting the task, smelling the eggs frying in the pan, "How did you know I was awake?"

"I felt your warmth disappear, doofus," placing the eggs on a plate you had prepared, she turned to you and took some of the spam to fry, "And you're not exactly the most silent person, you know. After I felt you leave the bed, I heard your footsteps and the fridge door and the cabinet-"

"Okay, okay, stop," you protested, "I don't need to hear all the details of my incompetence."

With a smirk, she continued frying the food, "Although, I was pretty hungry myself. I'm just kinda disappointed you didn't think I'd like to eat with you."

"What makes you say I didn't want to eat with you?" you said, hugging her from behind, "I just didn't want to drag you out of bed. I know how cranky you can get."

Scoffing, she placed the rest of the food on the plate, switched off the stove and turned to hug you tightly. You stayed there for a while, just basking in the warmth of one another and feeling the steady beating of your hearts.

"Now let's eat, I'm fucking hungry," Sarah said, pulling away and sitting at the table. Which of course, made you roll your eyes at her.

"Way to ruin the moment, Paulson."

"What? I am hungry," she questioned, mouth full, "C'mon, eat with me."

Taking your seat across from her, you put a forkful of the freshly cooked food in your mouth and as always, were impressed by her skills.

"You know, your friends make it seem like you're bad at cooking," you remarked, "But then every time you make us food, I remember how prejudiced they are."

"They're just jealous," she said, swallowing.

"Of course they are, honey, you're dating me, that's reason enough to be jealous."


Glaring at her, you pointed your fork towards her, "You take that back, Paulson."

"Why would I do that? You're no fun," she replied, kissing your forehead lightly.

"You can't evade this, Sarah," pouting, you stared pointedly at her, "I'll get my revenge on you."

"You do that, I'm going to go back to sleep," she yawned, stretching, "Feel free to join me."

"Did you really just leave me with the dishes? Oh, I'm not done with this abuse," you whined as the older woman made to go back to the bedroom, "Saraaahhhh"

"Leave it for tomorrow, let's cuddle, Y/N," she said, leaning against the doorframe, "You know you want to."

"What if I don't?" you replied, eating the last of the food that was left behind.

"Then I'll take your stuffed toy and cuddle with it instead. I'm not pushy."

"Fuck you, Paulson, you don't play fair," you yelped, hurriedly placing the dishes in the sink and attempting to beat her to your room. The keyword being 'attempted', because no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get past her, "Why are you doing this to me?"

"You said you wouldn't cuddle with me, and I need leverage to make sure you do," she said nonchalantly, still blocking your attempts, "Now say you'll cuddle or I tickle you."

"Never!" you exclaimed, managing to crawl between her legs and bolting towards your room.

"You little fucker!" you heard Sarah yell, running after you, "You asked for it!"

You somehow made it to your room and took your stuffed toy, clutching it close to your chest, just as your girlfriend shoved the door open and glared at you. There was something rather comical about the situation, maybe it was the way the was standing, similar to a battle-ready soldier, or maybe it was how you were clinging onto your doll like it was the last livesaver on the titanic.

Taking her time, she walked towards you, hands ready to attack. As you tried to back away, she grabbed hold of your wrist and pinned you against the wall, breathing lightly on your neck.

"Fuck, Sarah, this isn't fair!" you shrieked, feeling the goosebumps slowly creeping up your arms, just as she began her attack, fingers poking your sides, which started a fit of hysterical giggles and screams from you.

"Sarah...stop," you coughed out, "Please!"

"Say you're sorry and that you'll cuddle with me," she replied, looking up from your neck and grinning devilishly.

"I'm...sorry, ok? I'll cuddle...with you!" in between laughs and shrieks, you somehow managed to choke out the words, making her stop her assault.

"Good," she said, picking up the doll that had fallen on the floor and slumping onto the bed, "Now come here."

Gratefully crashing next to her, you allowed yourself to be enveloped in her embrace, your breathing still heavy. As you lay your head on her chest, you felt her combing your hair with her slender fingers when she spoke.

"Hey, love, I never really planned to take your doll, you know?"

"I know you didn't," you replied, and as you drifted off to sleep in her arms, you couldn't help the smile that tugged at your lips when she kissed your forehead and whispered,

"I love you."

wc : 1256

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