Rainbow Dash (I) In her dreams

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(A/N): Hey readers! I just want to quickly say that this is my first ever fanfic. Like seriously-  So my apologies if it's not the best that it could be, I'm usually used to writing and creating my own stories so this is something new that I have been wanting to try forever! I'm very excited to see where this goes and I hope it can be enjoyed by whomever it attracts! :D

Rainbow Dash awoke in a cold flash. Another dream. Her head pounded as her eye sight became more clear and less of a blur. Colors danced around the room each time the girl blinked. She gained her focus, and not to her surprise, she realized it was still dark. Though her eyes were no longer fuzzy, Rainbow could barely see anything in the dark, nor could she tell what time it was. She exhaled as she felt her heartbeat still racing from the extreme adrenaline that overcame her as she dreamt moments ago.

Colorful lights still flashing, a resemblance to the magic that radiates whenever Rainbow and her friends join hands in attempt to defeat a magical threat of some sort. The most recent being Vignette Valencia, or rather, her phone, which had somehow been bewitched with equestrian magic. Not that Vignette wasn't the one responsible for the girls' need to perform their "magical light show" of heroics but it was her phone that contained the source.

Rainbow had been having dreams like these for nights now. Each were different scenarios, however they somehow felt similar in some way. They all involved some kind of heroic deed to be done, not just by Rainbow, but all her friends as well. Like every time before. The colorful, magical beams, that radiated every dream were not the only thing that seemed repetitive. It was the fact that in every dream, there was a moment where the scene sort of...shifted. Rainbow couldn't make much of what it was exactly but, the scene would become ripples of bright light, until a new vision appeared. Or rather, a new perspective, which the only visible thing was...Fluttershy.

Rainbow would come to realize that the scene actually hadn't shifted at all, but rather...isolated itself from the main action. Ripples surrounded the girls face in a circular form, making it seem like she and Fluttershy were the only ones there, the only ones present. Though these moments would only last a few seconds, they seemed to be so time stopping, so...important. Once the girl would tear away from Rainbow's eyes, the ripples would aggressively flood the scene, only to separate once again and bring Rainbow Dash back to "reality" or rather, her dream's reality where action was still very much present.

Rainbow didn't know why her dreams would alter themselves this way specifically. Even more so why they would alter themselves in a way to make Fluttershy specifically stand out. Rainbow fought to ignore how those sequences really made her feel. Even though she was dreaming, she felt as if she were there, as if Fluttershy was just within her reach, until she glistened out of view. Every time that sequence would occur, Rainbow, for some reason, felt an intense throb of disappointment in her chest. She didn't want Fluttershy to disappear. She wanted her there, in her view. She wanted to admire her, as she seemed so close. Rainbow, realizing she let her thoughts get ahead of herself, quickly snapped back to reality and let out a weak groan. An oh so familiar feeling tugged at her stomach as she thought of the shy girl.

She let herself recall the sequence once more, hopelessly getting lost in the scene, and envisioned the girl locking teal eyes with hers, though her face was stern, her eyes seemed rather content. That's how they always seemed, to anyone who would take notice, but to Rainbow, they were so much more. For Rainbow could get lost in them for hours, she wanted more than anything to explore every part of them. She has attempted for years, but has not been so successful. Although, through all those years of attempting to explore the eyes that soulfully belonged to Fluttershy, Rainbow has come to the conclusion that they could never be fully explored. They go beyond any depth known to humankind. They are endless pools of which Rainbow has longed to swim in for what felt like an eternity.

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