Sunset Shimmer (XIX) The Sacrifice

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       Sunset was overwhelmed by her new and sudden magical ability. She knew there was something odd about it, and that it was probably too good to be true, but for the time being she used it to her advantage. The magical mist had somehow enhanced her power of reading memory and thoughts and stretched it to her reading of magic. Though she could already sense equine magic before, she was more drawn to it. Sunset felt she had almost...a better understanding of it. Like she and the magic were one. 

Frankly, Sunset was slightly weary of this new enhancement. She had a feeling dark equestrian magic was behind it. If that was the case, she sincerely feared it would attempt to overtake her. However, she knew very well by now that overcoming dark magic within her was simple, so the fear quickly left her. For now, she figured she could use it to try and communicate, and maybe even negotiate, with the dark magic possessing Camp Everfree.

Sunset granted this new magical aspect whilst getting trapped in a dungeon below, clearly created by the dark equine magic. The mist had manipulated each and every one of the girls, including Spike as well. It got into each of their minds, threatening them with their individual weaknesses in hopes they would give up their magic. Sunset knew this was the dark magic wanting more power to benefit its own growth at this point. While being trapped, she desperately feared that the rest of her friends had given in to the mist and released their magic unknowingly. 

She was deeply unsure of why evil equestrian magic would target Camp Everfree once more. It was terribly strong as well. Sunset figured its mind reading skills were just as accurate as her own. Getting into her mind, Sunset envisioned herself  abandoning her friends completely and leaving them behind at Camp Everfree to solve the problem on their own. This destroyed Sunset completely. She was truly terrified of the idea of leaving her best friends behind, and letting them down. She wanted to be by their side for this, and through everything. This thought initially allowed Sunset to overtake the negative vision and realize that she was with her friends, and she wasn't going anywhere. It was then that she was granted her enhancement. Immediately, she was knowledgable of the fact that this magic was apparently positive equestrian magic, much like her own. It was rewarded to her for overcoming the darkness, unlike Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike, as they had all gone unconscious, one by one. It was then that Sunset had no choice but to trust the magic that spoke in her mind to touch the stone wall. 

Obeying, Sunset pressed her hand against the stone wall in their enclosure. The code that rang in every corridor of the cave rang in her mind, Discord. Saying the odd word aloud, an opening formed where her hand was. In an instant, her friends jolted awake in unison, as she squeamishly watched the white mist escape from their heads and circulate the room. 

This opening instantly led Sunset and the others to Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce, who were trapped in a similar room as they were. The only difference was the room was drastically flooding with...water. Sunset was glad they had made it in time. If they had waited any longer the two siblings may have been way underwater by then.

Proceeding swiftly, Sunset and the rest were guided toward the edge of the crystal caves, the crystal pedestal in sight. She allowed Gloriosa and Pinkie Pie to stand guard just in case there was more dark magic waiting in the rest of the cave. She, Twilight, Timber, and Spike headed off further into the long, stone corridor. Soon, Sunset managed to find yet another opening in the cave wall, repeating the code, Applejack and Rarity appeared in a dungeon-like room. This only left Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, which Sunset frantically entrusted Rarity and Applejack to forage. She sensed she was needed back where she had left the others, so she remained. Sunset intended to be present where any unfamiliar force grew into her newfound senses.

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