Applejack (XVIII) Rekindling

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Applejack always hated the feeling of falling. As she and Rarity fell down, she felt the rough, sharp rocks scrape against her body painfully. She couldn't tell how long she fell, but it felt like a long way down for sure. Applejack's stomach felt as if it were falling without her. Beginning to feel queasy, she closed her eyes and only hoped she landed soon. Honestly, Applejack didn't even know if she wanted to survive this fall anymore. Of course she wanted to live, but if this meant being stuck in an unfamiliar situation with Rarity at a time like this, she didn't want to deal with it. Her head pounded almost as loudly as Rarity's shrieking, that carried on the whole way down. Every time Applejack opened her eyes, screams flowed out of her until she sealed her eyes shut once more.

       Suddenly, a platform formed from beneath Applejack and she stopped falling midair. Opening her eyes hesitantly, Applejack looked around her. There she floated, a foot above a stone cold flooring. She looked at the walls. Some were barred, as if they were trapped in a dungeon. A cold, stone, dark dungeon. The only light source was the diamond platform that kept Applejack afloat. Applejack's stomach sank. Rarity. Turning her head, Rarity sat on her own magical platform, conjured by her geode magic, just inches away. Rarity was facing away from her, with her hands held out, keeping the radiant platform afloat. The diamond began to descend slowly as Rarity lowered her hands.

Applejack's stomach dropped as the diamond platform thudded against the stone ground. The dungeon-like room echoed as they landed. Applejack awkwardly sat on the diamond until Rarity  let go of her force and it disappeared from underneath the both of them. Applejack bounced softly onto the surprisingly cold ground and quickly jumped up from the sudden touch.

The dungeon was small, yet it had enough space for the two girls to take their own sides of the room and face away from each other. A sharp smell of iron lingered in Applejack's nostrils as her senses fully came back to her. Sitting back down, a cold rush reached Applejack's skin through her denim skirt. She crossed her arms in attempt to warm herself up. Unfortunately, it didn't do much.

Applejack faced the bore wall with no expression. She had no clue what Rarity was doing behind her. She didn't dare say a word, however.

This gave Applejack time to process what had just happened. A lot of time. Too much time. It wasn't like Rarity was gonna say anything else to her now. Not after what she did, and after what Applejack said. In the heat of the moment, Applejack had basically unfriended one of her best friends. Thinking back, she supposed she was angry, and hurt by Rarity's behavior toward her. Rarity's temper only lied when they were in serious danger. However, they were out of harm in this dungeon. Therefore, Rarity continued her, now silent, protests.

Applejack had forgotten about her dream. It had practically become a reality now. With the way Rarity was acting, the only difference she saw from the two was the Rarity in Applejack's dream's eyes grew red, and evil. This Rarity, the real Rarity, pouted with her typical, beautiful, sapphire eyes.

Overall, Applejack was honestly really confused. She had no clue what Rarity's deal was. Since they had woken up she had been acting...strange, and oddly offended literally anytime Applejack opened her mouth. Despite her anger, Applejack desperately wanted to know why Rarity was acting this way toward her. Was it something she said? Well it definitely was something she said now. Applejack wished more than anything that she could take it back. Not only did Rarity literally say she hated her, but their fighting put all their friends in danger. Applejack has no clue where the rest of her friends were. She hoped more than anything that they were all alive.

Applejack didn't even attempt to escape. She searched her whole side of the dungeon, and nothing. The silence was beginning to slowly drive her crazy. She needed to say something. But what? Rarity would most definitely ignore her anyway. She had already tried so many times to apologize to her, now she only made it worse.

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