Fluttershy (II) Opening up

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Fluttershy was confused. For one, she had just witnessed Rainbow Dash's...outburst. She wasn't quite sure what to refer to it as. Well, to clarify, Rainbow's face had become quite a fierce red and she seemed rather...disturbed. Fluttershy really hoped she was alright. Rainbow Dash seemed fine as they were walking into the smoothie place, so Fluttershy felt relieved...for now. But the real question was...why was Rainbow acting so weird? She seemed awfully flustered when they were in Applejack's truck. She also acted very defensive whenever one of them would ask if she was okay. Fluttershy couldn't help but worry for her rainbow haired friend. She really wanted to ask what was wrong, but she felt that Rainbow would just get mad at her like she did with Applejack in the truck. Upsetting Rainbow Dash was the last thing Fluttershy wanted. She really cared about Rainbow and she didn't want her to feel upset. She really hoped that wasn't what was bothering her.

What also confused Fluttershy was how Rarity was acting lately. Not with Fluttershy...but with Applejack. Fluttershy knew Rarity well, very well. Fluttershy was the only one who knew about Rarity's bisexuality. Both girls felt they could trust each other with anything. Although, there are some things they don't discuss much, well at least in Fluttershy's case. Though the topic of romance comes up frequently while conversing with Rarity, Fluttershy never finds herself the confidence to confront Rarity about her suspicions. This is of course because she would never want to bother Rarity with such accusations. Rarity, on the other hand, consistently wanted to keep up to date with Fluttershy's love life, to which Fluttershy would give vague to no description at all. Although Rarity's knowing and complete awareness of Fluttershy's attraction to females, Fluttershy feared that Rarity was beginning to pick up on the girl of Fluttershy's eye. That girl is of course, Rainbow Dash. The only girl. For as long as Fluttershy can remember, it has always been Rainbow Dash.

Despite their differences, Fluttershy felt that they complete each other in a wonderful way. Even as a young girl, Fluttershy knew there was something about Rainbow Dash that was simply special. She knew that underneath her pride and brashness, there was a soft, caring girl that would only show when the girls were alone, and all was quiet. At such a young age, Rainbow Dash taught Fluttershy love, by simply being herself. Since then, she has grown and her love for Rainbow has grown with her. If only she had the courage to say it all aloud, what she had keeping inside her for what felt like an eternity. How she would follow Rainbow to the end of the world. Fluttershy was indeed hopelessly devoted to her dearest childhood friend, and there was nothing she could do about it. But Rainbow simply couldn't love her like that, Fluttershy knew she most likely saw her as a younger sister that she's protective of.

Fluttershy feared that if she ever accused Rarity of having feelings for someone, that she would point out how she acts around Rainbow. She didn't want to put her feelings on a platter like that, she simply could never face the confrontation. Though, as Fluttershy feared, Rarity began to finally catch on to who Fluttershy has been in love with all these years. Whenever Rarity confronts Fluttershy about it, she can't help but not deny it. Due to Rarity's charm, it is almost impossible to keep a secret such as that from her for too long, she'll eventually catch on. Which is how Fluttershy learned the hard way. Overtime, she found herself giving in to Rarity's resolutions and Fluttershy didn't deny them. Rarity showed Fluttershy that it was alright to talk about her feelings and that she would be making it worse for herself if she kept bottling them up like she was. Fluttershy knew she could trust Rarity, so she finally opened up. This was around the time the school visited Camp Everfree. Fluttershy remembers how relieved she felt when she told Rarity everything, from the day her and Rainbow met, to then. It was during one of the camp's morning nature walks, and Fluttershy remembers how understanding and kind Rarity was to her. She made Fluttershy feel safe to talk about her feelings and she really appreciated how patient Rarity was with her, after all the times she would try to convince Fluttershy to come clean. Fluttershy will never forget one thing that Rarity told her when she confessed

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