Sunset Shimmer (V) Rainbow's Mind

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       Entering someone's mind is always a rough experience for Sunset. It always turns out to be very emotional and even traumatic sometimes. Going into someone's mind did not only allow Sunset to read the person's thoughts, but she also had the ability to feel every emotion that connected to every memory her magic showed her, everything that she needed to see and feel to get what she needed out of her use of the power her geode provided. This time was different. Sunset Shimmer did not expect to see what she had just witnessed. Never had her usage of her powers taken her back so far as a decade back. Sunset was clearly not prepared for the journey she was about to partake in. 

       It turns out, not to Sunset's surprise but still nonetheless a shock, that Rainbow Dash had been in love with Fluttershy this whole entire time. Long before Sunset and Rainbow had even met. Long before Sunset even entered the human world from Equestria. Sunset was first taken back to Rainbow Dash's childhood. There, she saw a very young Fluttershy, maybe five or six years old. Sunset was, of course, seeing things in Rainbow Dash's point of view. There were two other boys, around the same age as Fluttershy and Rainbow were. They all appeared to be in a schoolyard by some basketball hoops. Young Fluttershy appeared to be crying. The two boys were pushing and taunting her. Though it appeared it was far away from Rainbow's view at the time. Young Rainbow began to run towards them. The taunting and cries became louder. Sunset felt the feeling of rage build up as young Rainbow prepared to yell.

"Leave her alone!" Young Rainbow yelled. 

One of the boys snickered, "What are you gonna do about it, Rainbow Crash?" 

Young Rainbow grew even angrier, "Keep makin' fun of her and find out!" Her little voice cracked as she yelled at one of the boys.

"Aright, I challenge you to soccer, 2 V 1." The boy said menacingly. 

"You're on! And if I win, you're gonna leave that girl alone!" Young Rainbow growled.

"Game on, Rainbow Crash!" The other boy said as he got out his soccer ball from his back pack.

The game was pretty intense for some five year olds, but unsurprisingly, Rainbow Dash won and totally annihilated the two boys. They were left with bruises on their shins and even some on their elbows. 

"Now that I won, you better leave her alone!" Young Rainbow Dash yelled victoriously.

"Yeah whatever," one of them said smugly, "you're still Rainbow Crash in my books." The two boys walked away as sore losers.

Young Rainbow Dash walked over to Young Fluttershy, who was sitting on the ground playing with what looked like a caterpillar. 

"Hey, you okay?" Young Rainbow asked.

The shy little girl looked up, her face was pouted and her eyes were puffed from crying, "Yes. Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem, those guys had it coming. What's you're name?" Young Rainbow asked.

"I-I'm..." She looked down at the caterpillar and then back up at Rainbow, "I'm Fluttershy." She said quietly.

Young Rainbow smiled and sat down with the shy little girl, "Nice to meet you, Fluttershy, I'm Rainbow Dash." She reached out a hand for the shy girl to grab. With the caterpillar in her other hand, Young Fluttershy stood up with Young Rainbow. As their hand's touched, Sunset felt an electrical shock go through Young Rainbow's arm and to her heart. It began to race faster as the young girl helped her up. This was when Sunset finally caught on to why she was brought to this memory first.

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