Twilight Sparkle (XX) Rewarded

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       Twilight knew a lot of things. What she didn't know was why her first kiss with Timber Spruce wasn't as...exhilarating as she had hoped for. It wasn't even the way he kissed her. It was...him. The fact that when Timber kissed Twilight...she imagined she was kissing someone else...someone who was definitely not Timber Spruce. Twilight wasn't quite ready to admit she had really seen herself kissing that person instead of Timber at the moment. So...she initially brushed it off.

Walking through the woods, the sunset's beams left an array of orange on the trees' pines. Twilight inhaled calmly as she finally could after days of pure stress. Exhaling, Twilight looked at the girl walking next to her, Sunset Shimmer. Sunset was already looking at her. Meeting each other's eyes, they both smiled, relieved. Beside her, walked Zecora, who took in the sights around her. She felt the pines and overgrowth with her hands as they walked, as if she had never felt anything before. Well, she hadn't, she had just transformed into a living, human being after all. Twilight was excited for Zecora. She was able to fulfill and learn so much about life, and she and her friends were the very reason. 

For the time being, Twilight avoided Timber Spruce's eyes. She didn't want to be reminded of their kiss. Frankly, she didn't want to be reminded of him at all. It did sound cruel, but deep down, it was really how Twilight felt. Luckily, he walked behind her and Sunset, so Twilight didn't have to face him. For the time being.

       Approaching the tents, Twilight wanted more than anything to get some rest. Drearily heading into the Sapphire tent, Twilight lifted the silk. The welcoming smell of lavender filled her senses, only making her more at peace. Falling onto the closest bed, the sheets felt overwhelmingly soft. Twilight felt as if it were her first time laying down on a bed. She inhaled a familiar smell, although it did not belong to her. Her eyes opened immediately. Sunset. Twilight lifted her head as her heart began to race. She had accidentally collapsed onto Sunset Shimmer's bed rather than her own. Unfortunately, Twilight was too drained to get up. Sunset and Pinkie had apparently entered soon after, because she heard soft thuds nearby.

"Uhh..Twi? You okay?" Sunset asked.

Twilight perked up suddenly, "Uh-yeah-I-I-" Twilight flustered, "Yes."

"You look exhausted." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah uh...I guess I am.." Twilight realized.

Sunset smiled down at her, "You could rest for a bit, on my bed or not. I really don't mind."

Twilight's face felt warm suddenly, "Y-you sure?" 

"Of course!" Sunset smirked at her.

What the heck was going on

Twilight could only smile drearily as she looked up at Sunset Shimmer, before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. 

       Though her nap was short, it made up for quite a nice dream. The dream was silent, yet not in a disturbing way. It was filled with a calm silence. A theme of peace.

Twilight sat atop a hill. Alone, at first. Night had just come upon her, and the stars were beginning to blink into view. A gentle gust of wind blew against her, flowing some of her hair in her face, which she brushed away wistfully. Twilight smiled up at the blinking stars. Several constellations came into view. Lyra was the first she identified. Five stars connected into a rectal shape, leading outward into the sky. Cygnus was another. An array of stars lined up to almost perfectly resemble a bow and arrow in the night sky. 

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