Pinkie Pie (XXI) "Heartbroken"

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       Pinkie didn't dare enter the Sapphire tent after Sunset Shimmer. She couldn't see Twilight, not after what she had just witnessed. Pinkie walked slowly behind the group, trying her very best to hold herself together. The build up of tears clogged her throat as she continuously attempted to swallow them back. Seeing Timber Spruce linger around Twilight like he was as they continued toward the tents, Pinkie whimpered to herself. What was it that Twilight saw in him

Approaching the Sapphire tent, the rest of the group had parted ways. Fluttershy and Rarity retreated to the Emerald tent, Applejack and Rainbow Dash to the Aquamarine. Timber, Gloriosa, and Zecora left for the main building. This left Pinkie, standing shakily before the Sapphire tent, of which she did not wish to enter just yet.

"You coming Pinkie?" Sunset asked as she held the silk open.

"Um...No...I'll-I'll be out here for a bit." Pinkie said, almost choking back tears.

"...Okay..." Sunset said confusedly.

As Sunset disappeared behind the silk, Pinkie pondered whether she should remain waiting for her outside or run off. She didn't know where she would go, she just needed some time alone. Time to process what just happened. Figuring her friends would go looking for her if she ran off, Pinkie decided to wait, for now. Pinkie propped herself against the tent, sliding against it until she met the ground. She looked at her surroundings. The trees lining the site blew gently in the breeze, as the sunset reflected on them. Pinkie sighed. If only things turned out differently, she'd be dancing around those trees, celebrating. But alas, Twilight Sparkle definitely didn't notice Pinkie as she did her. At that moment, Pinkie wondered why she even tried to gain her affections over the past year. It wasn't worth it in the end anyway. Twilight and Timber seemed so close, and as Pinkie feared, they truly were. 

A few minutes had passed and Pinkie felt the need to move. Despite her despair, she couldn't stand staying in the same place for too long. She proceeded to get up, and just as she did, the silk in the tent opened behind her, revealing Sunset Shimmer. Pinkie turned away from her, and made a mad dash for the docks. She figured she could manage to lose Sunset in the commotion of brush and pine on her way there.

"Pinkie?" Sunset started, "Pinkie Pie!

As Pinkie expected, she began to hear thuds behind her, indicating Sunset Shimmer running after her. This didn't stop her from running, however. 

"Wait up!" Sunset panted behind her.

Pinkie didn't respond. She only ran faster. 

Approaching the docks, the lanterns were beginning to glow, as nightfall came upon Camp Everfree. In other circumstances, Pinkie would stop to admire the changing sky. Instead, she tripped over herself constantly, finally landing on the wooden dock. A shock of pain grew present in her palms. Turning them over, Pinkie gasped slightly to see her palms were infected with several splinters. 

Behind her, Sunset Shimmer grabbed her and hoisted her up from her underarms. Pinkie struggled to break free from Sunset's grip. Pinkie, feeling trapped, released the tears had been clogging her throat for what felt like hours. Gasps of breath escaped her lips, along with her rising sobs of emotional agony. Sunset Shimmer spun Pinkie around, making her face her. Sunset frowned as she dragged Pinkie further into the dock. Grabbing Pinkie's wrists, she lead her toward the ground, where they both sat.

"It's okay..." Sunset hugged her suddenly.

Pinkie only cried. She couldn't form any words just yet. Sunset didn't seem to mind.

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