Fluttershy (VIII) Confrontation

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Fluttershy lay awake in the darkness of the Emerald Tent. Thoughts and possibilities raced in her head as she stared into the darkness. A few feet away lay Rarity peacefully asleep in her own bed. Fluttershy turned over to face the wall of the tent. She reached out to feel it. In the darkness, her hand met the silky texture that supported the tent and provided the girls shelter. Fluttershy sighed quietly. She had no idea what time it was. Reaching to grab her phone that was charging on the floor below her, she made sure not to make any noise at all in fear of waking her slumbering friend. She would really hate to disturb her. Grabbing her phone, she turned it over so the screen was facing upwards towards her, 2:57 AM, it read. Fluttershy sighed once more as she turned the phone back over and gently placed it down on the floor. She suddenly began to feel a rather familiar anxiety fill her stomach as she remained awake in the dark. Slowly, she arose from the bed and quietly got off of it. Placing her feet slowly on the ground, Fluttershy began to gingerly walk to the front of the tent and inch through the silky gape into the night.

Leaving the tent behind her, Fluttershy treaded forward. However, to Fluttershy's disadvantage, it was pitch black outside. This resulted in Fluttershy tripping right in front of the Aquamarine Tent, over one of the nails placed in the ground that supported the tent. Fluttershy squeaked as she thudded onto the ground. The fall wasn't painful, to Fluttershy's gratefulness, so she got up and continued on into the night. She tried to be a little more aware of her surroundings as she realized she could get really hurt if she wasn't careful. As she ran off into the night, deeper into the camp she went.

Continuing in the dark, Fluttershy would frequently hear thuds behind her, as if she were being followed. This made her run even faster. On and on she went, until she saw a gleam of light from not so far away. She ran towards the light and the camp's dock came closer into view. At this point, the sounds were not hearable as Fluttershy was being quite loud herself now. Whimpering and letting out small cries of fear was what went along with Fluttershy as she ran closer to the dock. Finally there, she ran to the edge and sat down. Not daring to look back, she huddled into a ball and closed her eyes. Fluttershy's heart palpitated rapidly as she cried into her own arms.

Footsteps could now be heard as Fluttershy remained where she was. They got closer and closer until they appeared to be just behind her.

"Fluttershy?" Said Rainbow Dash's voice. "I-is that you?"

The figure knelt down beside Fluttershy. She lifted her head and turned to look next to her. Fluttershy's heart stopped, but not in a terrified way. The concerned athlete looked down at Fluttershy as the dock's lanterns made her visible in the night.

"Woah-" Rainbow said suddenly, "Are you crying?"

Fluttershy said nothing. She wiped her eyes and sniffled as she gazed up at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow sat down beside Fluttershy and continued their gaze, "Hey, it's alright," Rainbow said softly, "Did you get scared?"

Fluttershy nodded softly.

"Well...why'd you run out here in the first place?" Rainbow asked concernedly.

"Couldn't sleep..." Fluttershy managed.

"Oh..." Rainbow reacted, "Yeah well,...me neither."

"Why?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"I-uhh," Rainbow stumbled with her words, "Applejack snores pretty loud..."

Fluttershy giggled for the first time in that moment, "Like you don't."

Rainbow elbowed Fluttershy softly, "Hey!"

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