Applejack (XXIII) Going Back Home

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       Loading the truck was a breeze. Even hauling all four of Rarity's obnoxious bags was a cinch for Applejack. She felt as if she were floating. The cause? Rarity. It was all because of Rarity. Her girlfriend. Applejack still could hardly believe it. Somehow, she was now dating the girl of her dreams. Applejack was completely ecstatic. She wanted to kiss Rarity again. And again. And again, until her lips turned blue. However, instead of doing this, Applejack had to drive a truck full of six bubbly teens, not including herself. Applejack only hoped the drive home didn't take as long as she feared. Seeming as it was later than expected, Applejack figured there would be less traffic on the road. 

"Everybody in?!" Applejack yelled behind her as she put her hands on the steering wheel, after putting on her seatbelt (safety kids)

"Hold on!" Rarity yelled from outside the truck.

"Quit runnin', it's dark out there, Sugarcube!" Applejack ordered, "And Ah aint leavin' here without you!"

Rarity panted as she climbed into the passenger seat. Slamming the large doors shut, the truck's lights flickered, darkening the whole inside.

Applejack heard Fluttershy whimper as the truck went dark.

Suddenly, there was a click, followed by a source of light appearing towards the back of the truck.

"OoOoh, spoOoky..." Pinkie Pie exclaimed, holding her flashlight to her face.

"Pinkie Pie, honestly..." Rarity turned behind her.

"Now Pinkie, don't you go shinin' that light at other cars on the road, alright?" Applejack lectured.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie giggled.

Applejack hoped that meant Pinkie would really obey her and leave the other cars alone.

Beside Pinkie Pie, sat a sleepy Sunset Shimmer, who rested her head on Twilight Sparkle's shoulder, which of whom sat rather stiffly.

"You alright there, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Yep! Better than never! I-I mean ever!" Twilight stammered.

Applejack brushed the scientist's mess-up off. She was probably just tired.

"Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road!" Applejack announced.

She turned toward the dashboard and adjusted her grip on her steering wheel.

Suddenly, another click caused a closer part of the truck to illuminate. Applejack looked at her mirror above her to see Rainbow Dash holding her own flashlight.

"Better?" Rainbow asked.

"Y-yes." Fluttershy responded quietly.

She appeared quite frightened, Applejack assumed by the dark. 

As Applejack reversed, she consistently switched between her rear mirror, and the mirror above her, to see if her friends were alright. With every bump, Fluttershy seemed to inch closer and closer to Rainbow Dash. Applejack suddenly had an idea. She snickered to herself before following through.

"Darling...what are you doing?" Rarity asked accusingly.

"You'll see..." Applejack snickered.

"Oh dear..." Rarity sighed.

Applejack began to put more pressure on her right foot, pushing down the pedal further, causing the truck to reverse slightly faster.

"Applejack-" Rarity exclaimed.

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