Rarity (VII) Camp Everfree

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       Rarity was troubled. Frankly, she had absolutely no clue as to what she was doing. Relating to Applejack, of course. At some moments, she felt uncomfortable with the idea of flirting with Applejack, in fear that she would catch on, so instead Rarity resulted in storming off or being passive aggressive. Of course, Rarity didn't mean to act like this, she wanted to act the opposite, in fact, alas she couldn't. Deep down, she was afraid to put herself out there with Applejack. Unlike others in the past, Applejack was different somehow, in many ways. Rarity couldn't quite describe the feeling it gave her whenever Applejack would simply look her way. It was an overwhelming feeling that Rarity was now quite fond of. However, since the incident at Equestria  Land, she had gotten into the habit of giving Applejack missed signals, purposefully. She was afraid she would take it too far, and somehow ruin their friendship. Rarity would never forgive herself for that.

Currently, Applejack and Rarity were walking back to their friends. They were coming from the Emerald Tent, where Fluttershy and she had agreed to stay in together for the weekend. Next to theirs was Aquamarine. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer were supposed to cram into the Sapphire tent together, because Pinkie refused to sleep alone in her own tent. The Sapphire tent was slightly farther from the other two, but still close nonetheless. Rarity couldn't imagine having to share such a small space with more than one other person. Applejack and Rainbow Dash took the Aquamarine Tent, as they did last time they visited Camp Everfree.

As they walked, Rarity kept glancing over at Applejack, who was taking in the scenery of the camp. Rarity had to admit, as much as she hated camping and the outdoors, she was happy to be back at Camp Everfree. She had missed the memories she and her friends had made there terribly, and now she was able to make new ones. She was also quite excited for her camp fashion show plans that she was going to launch soon enough.

"It's mighty beautiful here ain't it, Rarity?" Applejack looked around in awe as they continued on.

"Divine." Rarity said simply, as she admired Applejack.

Applejack turned back to look at Rarity, they made eye contact, "Now ain't that right?"

"Yes darling..I must admit, it does feel quite nice being back." Rarity admitted while still looking at Applejack.

"Yup," Applejack turned to look around once more, "It sure does,"

Rarity couldn't help but smile at the farm girl who stood before her. She was beautiful to Rarity, in her own, wonderful way. Her blonde hair blew naturally in the wind and her eyes shone as even brighter emeralds in the daylight's warm sunshine. 

The girls eventually made it back to the truck to find all their friends just as they had left them. Except now, Twilight was knelt down on the ground and attempting to open her bag. She was pulling at the zipper but it seemed to be stuck. In her urgency to open the bag, she used her magic. The bag flung open quickly, but suddenly, her magic malfunctioned and zipped the bag closed once more. 

"That was weird...It's like my magic...glitched or something," Twilight scratched her head, "And..I think I saw...Spike in there?" 

Twilight tried again, this time her magical use was a success. As Twilight had predicted, Spike was indeed in her bag, as he proceeded to jump out of the bag and roll on the ground.

"Man, I couldn't breathe in there towards the end," Spike panted, "I thought you were never gonna open that bag."

"Spike? What are you doing here?" Twilight questioned concerned, "I thought you were staying home with Shining Amour and...Cadence for the weekend."

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