Rarity (XXII) Fashion Show

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(A/N): Omg this gif is so cute okay enjoy bye-

       Rarity was so excited to finally get all of her friends fitted. She had just finished sewing her own outfit, for there were some slight difficulties with the fringes. Rarity even managed to dig something glamorous up for her new friend, Zecora, to wear. However, that's a surprise for later on.

She worked especially hard to fit the outdoorsy theme that reflected such a place as Camp Everfree. Though, Rarity never intended for these outfits to be specifically worn at camp, it ended up working out quite well, after all. Rarity praised herself for smartly packing  enough fabric to sew an outfit for Timber Spruce, as well as a complimentary dress for Gloriosa Daisy, which Rarity knew she'd just adore. 

Honestly, Rarity didn't even care if she overdid her ensemble. She figured this was their way of celebrating  the evil equestrian magic's defeat, the saving of Camp Everfree once more, and the return of their own geode magic. As well as a welcoming to the human world for Zecora, whom was brought to life by pure equine magic. 

Being under a strict time schedule, Rarity only had an hour and a half to gather her friends together and proceed with the catwalk. However, Rarity was determined to be on time. To her advantage, she and her friends were already gathered around the Emerald tent.

"Alright darlings! Who would like to be fitted first?" Rarity announced.

"Oooh! I do I do!" Pinkie raised her hand voluntarily.

"I'll go too. I wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting if I was last..." Fluttershy offered shyly.

"Alright, follow me darlings." Rarity grabbed both girls' wrists and dragged them in the Emerald tent eagerly.

Rarity presented their outfits to the two and both gasped in admiration.

"Oh, Rarity, they're lovely!" Fluttershy smiled excitedly.

"EEEe! This is gonna be so fun!" Pinkie squealed.

Rarity allowed the two girls to get fitted, which was surprisingly quick.

Rarity led the two out slowly, allowing them to exit first to reveal their outfits to the group. Surprised gasps radiated throughout the outside group. Rarity giggled to herself as she watched Rainbow Dash's jaw completely drop. Rarity had sewn a florescent top for Fluttershy, of which showed her stomach slightly. The top was accompanied with flowing sleeves of which were transparent , hanging slightly off of Fluttershy's shoulders. It was a teal green, matching the compassionate girl's soft eyes. Her skirt was flowy, similar to the sleeves. It was the same faded, pastel pink as the sleeves as well, showing a nature-like pattern on the outskirts. Fluttershy held onto Pinkie Pie who stood next to her. She giggled shyly as her cheeks grew slightly pink from the attention. 

"Go on, darling." Rarity whispered in Fluttershy's ear.

Fluttershy's head jolted slightly, causing her hand-crafted earrings portraying a similar tree-like pattern as seen on her skirt to swing back and fourth. The scent of Rarity's only lavender perfume accompanied Fluttershy's look quite well in Rarity's opinion. Rarity smiled at Fluttershy and raised her eyebrows. Hoping, Fluttershy would take the hint, Rarity waited for her to walk toward Rainbow Dash, who stared at her with her jaw still slightly dropped.

Beside her, Pinkie Pie stood, bouncing with the balls of her feet. Her floral balls for earrings bounced with her eagerly. Rarity was quite proud of her outfit that she sewed for Pinkie. Still fitting the nature-ish theme, her top was ruffled with a natural pink of which fitted her overall tone. Similar to Fluttershy's skirt, Pinkie's had a tree branch pattern flow throughout the skirt, blending with the overall color of the skirt, a pastel green. As for her shoes, Pinkie wore her own vibrant pink heels, which Rarity allowed as it went with her top nicely. As for Fluttershy's shoes, Rarity couldn't decide on sandals or heels. Fluttershy insisted on going barefoot, but Rarity simply couldn't allow it. Fluttershy ended up wearing her typical pastel butterfly sandals.

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