Sunset Shimmer (XIV) Thorns Everywhere

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Sunset was beginning to get quite fed up with Applejack and Rarity's fighting. As was everyone else. It got to the point where Sunset had basically given up trying to break them up. It was constant, back and fourth. The worst part was, no one knew why they were fighting, at least, Sunset didn't think anyone knew. It was a constant struggle for each of the friends to keep the two at bay, in case their fighting would trigger more dark magic, to do...who knows what.

       Pinkie was proceeding to push the six out of the cave. Sunset Shimmer voluntarily began to walk herself, as did Twilight Sparkle, who stood beside her.  Once out of the cave, all seven began to walk independently.

"So...where are we going exactly?" Sunset asked confusedly.

"There's not much we can do..." Twilight said, "But if these two would shut up-"

"Twilight." Sunset whispered, "Leave them be. They need to get over this themselves."

"But-" Sunset put a finger to Twilight's mouth, indicating for her to be quiet.

"Like you said, there's not much we can do." Sunset said, "It's gonna be okay, Twi."

Sunset winked at the flustered scientist.

"Fine." Twilight said simply as she looked around, "Now, maybe we should retrace our steps. So..."

"The lake." Sunset finished.

"No! Anywhere but there, please!" Rarity pleaded.

"You, quiet." Sunset ordered, "Let's go guys, the faster the better."

Rarity exclaimed, astonished. Behind her, Applejack rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Sunset could hear distinctive whispering coming from Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who both walked on Sunset's left. She turned. Fluttershy appeared quite worried, Sunset didn't blame her. She did seem to be quite the target for this newfound dark magic lately. Sunset was glad to see Rainbow appearing to be comforting her.

Approaching the lake, there wasn't much to see besides the glistening waters reflecting with the early afternoon's sun beams.

"Nothing seems to be going on here." Rainbow Dash pointed out obnoxiously.

No one responded as they were all observing the lake and the vegetation around it. At the moment it seemed so still. This didn't last long.

"Well I guess we should-" Sunset began to say, until she was interrupted by a loud noise, as if the earth were shifting below. 

The ground rumbled.

"What in tarnation-" Applejack yelled.

"Earthquake!" Fluttershy screamed.

"No, Fluttershy, it's like the last time! We're not near any fault lines! This is the magic's doing!" Twilight explained over the earth's quivering.

"Why are we just standing here? Do something!" Rarity shrieked.

"..E-everyone stay calm!" Sunset managed. She grabbed on to Pinkie Pie who screamed beside her.

"Make it stop!" Pinkie covered her eyes as Sunset held on to the frightened optimist.

"Girls...girls?" Fluttershy said, no one heard. Everyone was screaming, despite Sunset trying to calm them down.

The ground still shook, and the shifting noise was unbearable.

"Girls-" Fluttershy said one last time.

"Look!" Rainbow finished her exclamation.

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow stared at the lake in horror. Seeing this, Sunset turned as well. To her utter surprise, thorns as thick as the bases of the trees emerged, and they began to stretch and intertwine throughout the lake. Gasps brewed as the seven watched the thorns and overgrowth fill the lake in a matter of seconds. A familiar wicked laughter arose, followed by the same unsettling mist that was present several times now, always accompanied by the dark equestrian magic that seemed to be taking the camp.

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