Twilight Sparkle (XVI) Fighting Back

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       Twilight didn't have time to worry about Fluttershy. The wolves made of timber surrounded them all, leaving them with nowhere to go. Besides, Twilight knew Rainbow Dash would keep Fluttershy somewhere safe, so there wasn't much to worry about in that department. Her main focus was getting into the caves all in one piece. She needed more than anything to reach the oracle and get more information on how to defeat this strange magic. Frankly, it was one of the worst they had ever faced, and that's truly saying something. 

These creatures were clearly from Equestria. However, Twilight had no clue of what they were called. 

"...Timber Wolves..." Sunset grunted, "They're from back in Equestria...I've never seen one in person but I've heard Princess Celestia mention them once or twice. And of course I've read a lot about them in magic school." 

Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash huddled in a circle, with Spike standing in the middle. Gloriosa and Timber stood behind them, unsure of what else to do.

"Did you read how to defeat them?! 'Cause that information would be really helpful right about now!" Twilight yelled over the thunder.

The Timber Wolves slowly approached. There were approximately ten of them, Twilight didn't waste her time counting. Their glowing green eyes glared thirstily at the group. They snarled and growled continuously. From beside her, Twilight felt a set of hands grab onto her arm. At the corner of her eye, she saw pink skin, and pink curled lox. Pinkie Pie whimpered in fear. In the heat of the moment, Twilight side-stepped closer to Pinkie, and placed a protective hand on one of her arms. 

"I...I can't remember...!" Sunset struggled.

"We can't just stand here!" Applejack yelled.

"We can't use our magic, It'll put us all at risk!" Sunset yelled back.

"What are we supposed to do then?! The beasts are coming closer!" Rarity screeched.

"Well you better hurry up with a plan, and soon. Look!" Timber yelled from behind.

Twilight looked up to see more Timber Wolves emerging from the caves. There must have been dozens of them now.

"They're surrounding us!" Spike yelled from below.

"Run!" Rainbow Dash yelped as she began to sprint farther back.

Not knowing what else to do, the rest ran after Rainbow. Farther into the woods. 

"We need a strategy. We'll remain here until we have to retreat again." Twilight said seriously as she knelt down behind a tree. 

"Or if I remember how to defeat the wolves." Sunset added.

"Well, keep trying!" Rainbow demanded as she knelt down beside Twilight. She appeared to be trembling for some odd reason. Rainbow Dash never trembles.

Twilight really hoped Sunset would remember soon. It was only a matter of time before the wolves would find them. 

"We're powerless without our magic!" Pinkie pointed out.

"She has a point ya know." Applejack shrugged. 

"May I point out that that is clearly untrue?" Rarity said snootily to Applejack.

"What?" Applejack's eyes widened as Rarity began to speak to her again.

"We have our magic within us, of course. Do you seriously not realize that?" Rarity rolled her eyes.

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