Rarity (XIII) Shattered

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Rarity dreamed of the absolute worst possible thing that could ever have happened to her. She couldn't believe how real it seemed. It felt more like a memory than a dream. Possibly because Rarity had fearfully imagined the focus so often, that once she actually dreamt it, it was nothing unfamiliar to her mind. Though actually experiencing it in such a way was entirely upsetting to Rarity.

Recalling the dream, a swirling white mist guided Rarity through the single scene, as well as surrounding her uncomfortably. Despite its suffocating nature, the mist seemed quite appealing to Rarity. The glistening and twinkling patterns were just gorgeous. However, it did seem familiar in some way, as if she had seen it before....

Rarity was brought outside of the tents of Camp Everfree, near the lake. The world shook as she entered this reality. Not quite the same, yet exactly identical to its replica. Following her was the familiar white mist, which left her nostrils and let Rarity breathe. Feeling herself being pulled forward, she began to walk alongside the lake. Looking around, Rarity saw nothing but trees and dirt. She didn't know why she was brought here, nor did she know why she was alone. She'd never go out in the middle of nature by herself. It would usually be because Fluttershy would want her company or any of Rarity's other friends, honestly. But there she walked, alone.

This didn't last long, however. As Rarity walked on, she began to hear voices. Familiarity rang in her ears as she heard two of her friends' voices. Though she couldn't make out what they were saying, the voices were still there. Rarity clambered closer. She began to see two figures behind a tall pine tree, which she proceeded to hide behind.

"Aren't you sick of it, AJ?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Of what?" Applejack's voice asked confusedly.

"Of Rarity. And her drama." Rainbow said irately.

Rarity gasped quietly to herself as her stomach sank. She knew Rainbow was brash, but never would she imagine her saying such a thing about Rarity behind her back.

"If Ah were honest Rainbow Dash...it's too much." Applejack admitted, "Ah mean, it's gettin' to the point where Ah don't even know why Ah even deal with her in the first place."

Those words from Applejack's mouth alone were enough to send Rarity knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face. Why would Rarity ever think Applejack didn't mind putting up with her elaborate personality? Rarity hunched over her knees and sobbed into as she could do nothing but painfully indulge in the conversation that was going on just feet away.

"She's so..." Rainbow trailed off, trying to find the right insult.

"...Annoying..." Applejack finished thoughtfully, "Sometimes, Ah really can't stand her."

Rarity could not believe her ears. She wanted to run away, but she couldn't. They would see her.

"...Apple...jack..." Rarity sobbed into her skirt as she knelt down in the filth.

"...Maybe you don't have to." Rainbow Dash suggested wistfully.

Rarity didn't understand what Rainbow meant, but she continued to sob quietly anyway.

"What?" Applejack asked simply.

Rarity felt the sudden urge to look up, as she was now interested in what Rainbow was about to say.

"What if you just..." Rainbow presented her thought with a snap of her fingers.

"What are you goin' on about Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked confusedly once more.

"I'm saying," Rainbow explained, "You don't need her."

"...Uhh" was all Applejack could say.

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