Pinkie Pie (XI) Scans and Signals

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Today wasn't that fun as Pinkie initially hoped. Twilight spent almost the entire day with Timber Spruce. Even if she did see Twilight a few times during the day, it wasn't enough. The seven of them did all come to Camp Everfree to spend time together and have fun, right? It was now their third day at Camp Everfree, and Pinkie was starting to lose hope. Did Twilight even care about Pinkie, and her feelings? She knew Sunset did, but lately, Sunset had been Pinkie was unfortunately unknowing of what caused Sunset to act this way, all she knew was that she was starting to worry about her. Despite it all, Pinkie Pie knew she had to keep a positive attitude, especially now, when her friends and the camp are at stake. What worried Pinkie the most, was the fact that she didn't know how long she could keep up her optimism, before pain would fulfill her. Seeing Twilight spend all this time with Timber, away from her and her friends, tore Pinkie down, piece by piece.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked with concern.

The two girls were alone in the Sapphire tent. Twilight was nowhere to be seen. Pinkie shook her head and refocused herself.

She smiled suddenly, "Yeah!" She faked, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just making sure..." Sunset said suspiciously, "I mean it's not really like you to be quiet for more than ten seconds..."

Pinkie's stomach dropped, Sunset was onto her. She giggled nervously, "Heh, yeah..." Pinkie improvised, "Juuust thinking..."

"About what may I ask?" Sunset smirked and crossed her arms.

Pinkie lowered her head, "Um...ya know, about...tonight!" Pinkie forced a wider smile as she pulled out her flashlight from her hair and began to click it repeatedly.

Sunset grabbed Pinkie's arm which held the flashlight and lowered it. Pinkie stopped clicking. The resemblance of three balloons in the flashlight's illuminance disappeared with the final click. Pinkie kept a smile, yet it was less wide.

"Pinkie..." Sunset said as she met eyes with her. Pinkie watched as the gamer frowned the longer they stared.

"Yeah, Sunset?" Pinkie asked dumbly. She knew Sunset didn't buy her excuse.

"You're not acting like yourself..." Sunset pointed out, "Are you sure this is just about tonight?" Sunset tilted her head. Her aqua eyes shimmered in concern and sympathy as she waited for Pinkie's response. Pinkie wanted to look away, but she knew if she did, it would only make the situation worse for herself. She got up and put her hands on her hips confidently.

"Of course I'm sure!" Pinkie faked a sure expression, "Cupcake?" Pinkie changed the subject as she pulled a cupcake with bright yellow frosting out of her hair.

Sunset got up. She smiled, then shook her head at the offer.

"Well, if you say you're okay...then I believe you." Sunset negotiated.

"Yuparoni" Pinkie said cheerfully as her stomach sank, "Totally okay, nothing to worry about!"

Sunset smirked at this. She motioned over to the gape of the tent, and lifted the flap to look outside. She stepped backwards into the tent once more and dropped the flap. She frowned as she turned back to face Pinkie.

"Hmm.." She scratched her chin, "I wonder where Twilight is, the sun's going down...we have to meet the girls at the caves soon."

Pinkie avoided contact with Sunset, "Twilight? Twilight who?" Pinkie's hands began to shake slightly.

"Um...Twilight Sparkle?" Sunset said in confusion, "What other Twilight is there?"

Pinkie Pie realized what she had said, "OooOh, Twilight. Right." She said obviously as she staged an eye roll of realization.

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