Twilight Sparkle (X) Sitting 'round the Fire

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       Twilight observed her friends' shocked faces and quickly realized they may have miscommunicated.

"Oh, I-I mean I didn't cause the waves and the wind," She explained, "I meant I-I was the one who brought you out of there."

Her friends faces changed to understanding as Twilight said this. 

"Thank you, Twilight." Applejack said as she slowly let go of Rarity and stood up. Rarity frowned and got up after her.

Twilight turned to face Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, who were still on the ground and held in an embrace. Fluttershy's head was deeply buried in Rainbow's chest as she shivered continuously.

" Fluttershy alright?" Twilight asked with concern.

Rainbow flushed and looked up at Twilight and then back at Fluttershy, "Uhhh, F-FluttershyYy?" Rainbow's voice cracked,  "Are y-you-" Fluttershy suddenly lifted her head and looked up at Rainbow.

The shivering girl's face appeared quite red, even over her pale yellow skin. She didn't say anything but stare up at the girl that held on to her. 

"Rainbow...?" Fluttershy asked softly, "Where...are we?"

Rainbow Dash looked down at the now alert girl, "Twilight saved us, Fluttershy," Rainbow explained sympathetically, "we're okay, we're out." She smiled sweetly at her.

Fluttershy managed a smile. She turned to Twilight, "Thank you, Twilight," She said softly, "How ever did you manage to save us?"

Twilight was too held up in the fact that Fluttershy and Rainbow were still indeed held on to each other to respond right away. She wondered if it meant something. Clearly it seemed to, because the girls still did not let go. Twilight shifted her face to just look at Fluttershy.

"Oh, uh, I just used my magic..." Twilight said simply, as there was not much to her explanation.

"But...when Ah was in the lake...and Ah used mah magic, it ended up somehow bein...used against me." Applejack recalled as she rang out the water from her shirt. 

"As I saw." Twilight said as she adjusted her glasses, "So can anyone explain to me what happened exactly?"

Fluttershy spoke from the floor with her body still wrapped in Rainbow's arms, "Well...we all decided to go canoeing together," Fluttershy started, "...and the wind started to pick up once we got towards the middle of the lake..."

Rainbow added on, "And then the waves started picking up!"

"Me and Fluttershy got knocked over into the water when the waves and wind seemed to get...stronger..." Applejack noted, "Ah tried to swim to the dock...but once Fluttershy and Ah were in the water, it was as if the water was trappin' us...preventin' us from leavin'..."

"Then our's got knocked over and I lost my precious jewels in the lake below!" Rarity pouted.

Applejack rolled her eyes at her, as did Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"...Anyway, the water and wind started pullin' me towards the other side of the lake," Applejack carried on, "Ah'm not exactly sure why..."

"When did you use your magic, Applejack?" Twilight asked.

"Ah felt like Ah had no choice but to use it to get to Rarity..." She motioned to Rarity, "'Cause she started gettin' pulled too..." Applejack frowned.

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