Rainbow Dash (XVII) Trapped!

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The world seemed to fall with Rainbow as shadows overcame her plummeting body. Down, down, down she fell. Fluttershy and her screams echoed the tight tunnel which went downwards forever. Rainbow didn't know where it lead. She figured she'd be impaled by something by then, or just plain dead. Rainbow loved flying when she got the chance, but definitely not the opposite. At least she wasn't the one with the fear of heights there, that was Fluttershy's title.

The air was cold and damp as the two fell. Above them, the same mist Rainbow had seen many times before, starting in her dreams, followed them creepily.

Finally, Rainbow began to see an ending to the fall. The downside was, it was complete stone flooring. Seeming as Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer weren't there to tell Rainbow she couldn't use her powers, she clenched her geode tightly. Enduring in her magic, she felt her ears sprout into pony ears, her hair extend, as well as her tail grow, and finally, her wings bust outward. She flew over to Fluttershy and caught her just in time. The shy girl stopped screaming.

Against Rainbow's chest, Fluttershy's breath was shaky and frantic. Rainbow flitted downward slowly after seeing the top where they had fallen from was completely blocked by the platform that had originally dropped them. Rainbow figured she'd know if that was a trap door or not. She was an expert on those kind of things, because of Daring Do, obviously. But this was definitely equestrian magic.

"Got...you..." Rainbow panted.

The shy girl didn't respond.

In other circumstances, Rainbow would be a flustered mess, but this time was different, Fluttershy needed her to be strong. Rainbow could totally manage that. Plus, she'd never leave Fluttershy hanging. Never in a million years.

Lower they went until Rainbow felt the cold, stone ground on her feet. She and Fluttershy landed softly, the sound echoing against the walls of the tight stone room. Rainbow did not like the look, or feel of this. She hates tight spaces. She could tell Fluttershy did too, because as soon as they landed, she backed away shakily into one of the corners and covered her face. The shy girl slid down roughly against the stone wall unlit she reached the ground. She stretched her legs outward and rested her head on the cold wall.

A rush of nerves overcame Rainbow as she saw the shy girl on the floor before her. They were alone. Just the two of them. In an enclosed space. With literally no opening, and no way out. The only light was the creepy and hissing mist which followed the two all the way down. It filled the room unwelcomely as Rainbow backed into a wall.

"W-what now?" Rainbow's voice cracked.

"I....don't know..." Fluttershy lifted her head.

The gentle girl's teal eyes lingered the energy of worry and uncertainty as Rainbow looked into them.

The eye contact brought Rainbow's nervous butterflies back into her stomach, so she swiftly looked away from Fluttershy. She had no right to be this cute. Rainbow's thoughts ran wild now. She was thinking of things...about Fluttershy. Things she'd never mention.

She had to get out of there. Now. Rainbow couldn't stand being alone with the shy girl in such a tight space. She had too many urges that she wished would go away. Her ears rang. Her heart raced vigorously. Her head spun violently.

Rainbow's forehead met the cold, stone wall as she tried to settle her emotions. This didn't help. It only made her breathing worse and rapid. She hated this more than anything. She didn't dare to look at Fluttershy.

"R-Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy stuttered, "Are you okay?"

Rainbow couldn't answer. Instead, she began to bang her fists at the rock walls, as if that would do anything.

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