Fluttershy (XXIV) 'Aquila'

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Fluttershy awoke to the smell of waffles. She smiled. Pinkie Pie. Opening her eyes, a rainbow logo on a white t-shirt filled her vision. The familiar vanilla sent dating back to her childhood filled Fluttershy's senses. The air in Pinkie Pie's room was slightly warm, and humid. A familiar heartbeat was present against Fluttershy's chin. She looked further to the shirt's collar, where some rainbow hair rested. Further upward, the athlete's face came into Fluttershy's plain view. Her breathing was rather soft. Subconsciously, Fluttershy's breath synchronized with hers. It felt natural to her. Almost instinctual. She felt as if her heart were glowing. The athlete was still in her own slumber, however Fluttershy didn't mind. She is quite an adorable sleeper after all.

Despite her being quite comfortable, Fluttershy felt the sudden need for fresh air. Slowly, she began to lift her chin from Rainbow Dash's chest. Next, she lifted her own chest up slowly, supported by her arms. Not a jolt in the athlete's slumber. Finally, Fluttershy stood over the daredevil, amazed to see she hadn't budged.

Turning behind her, Fluttershy fixated on Pinkie Pie's only window in her room. Stepping closer, yet slowly, Fluttershy attempted to avoid accidentally colliding with a still sleeping Applejack and Rarity. She smiled down at the pair as her chest lit up inside, they seemed so comfortable in the position they were in. Rarity was buried into Applejack's neck, while the farm girl's arms wrapped around the fashionista comfortingly.

Now in front of the window, Fluttershy grabbed onto the sill and attempted to push it up. She grimaced as it began to move upward slowly with her own effort. Thankfully, the window opened almost silently, only leaving a few creaks here and there as it traveled as far as Fluttershy pulled. Climbing through the window, she lifted her right leg, stepping onto the roof, she placed her hands on the roofing securely. Hoisting her left leg up, Fluttershy tried her best not to hit the window sill as she pulled her other leg onto the planks.

Sitting against the external wall of the home, just beside the opened window, Fluttershy took a long breath in. The morning air was cool, yet quite damp. The sun was not up yet, to her observation. Fluttershy didn't bother checking the time, she figured it'd just disturb the moment.

Fluttershy was quite grateful to be granted such a moment of peace, of which she could reflect on the past few days. Somehow, she and her friends saved a camp that was under attack by thorns, tropical storms, wolves created entirely out of wood, a scary cave that trapped them for a long period of time, she and Rainbow Dash nearly burning to death, an evil spawn from the earth created from evil magic, and losing their geode magic, only to have it restored. Not only was that a lot to process, a lot of other significant events occurred. These specific moments meant a lot to Fluttershy. After all she and her friends had been through, even before that, there was a time where it was just she and Rainbow Dash.

A time of which...she was the only friend Fluttershy had. Not to mention, the only one Fluttershy has ever grown to love. Somehow...someway...that girl...felt the same about Fluttershy. Frankly, she felt as if she knew all along, but the only true way she believed it was when Rainbow Dash, and she only, opened the vault. It was as if it had come out of a dream. The dizziest of daydreams, even. Something Fluttershy imagined at such a frequency, it almost felt as if she were remembering it, rather than fabricating an idea. Only now, it was a memory. A memory that had Fluttershy's head spinning since it occurred. Not even a day prior. To Fluttershy, it was still absolutely astonishing. Someone like Rainbow Dash...a person she's known since childhood, felt just as mutual with her in a way Fluttershy could have never even imagined. The presence of the fact simply took her breath away. Deeply endured by the keen sting of such love, Fluttershy was, and still is, strongly (than ever).

"F-Fluttershy?" speaking of...

Fluttershy turned to the source of the noise, only to see the rainbow haired athlete sticking her head out of the window. A warm smile infected Fluttershy's lips seeing her just then.

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