AppleJack (VI) On the Road

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       The only good thing about last night was the fact that Applejack got plenty of sleep for the long trip the next morning. Everything else was not exactly...pleasant. For one, Applejack was really put on the spot during Truth or Dare. Usually she didn't mind getting attention, despite her humble demeanor, but this time it was more personal. She very much preferred it if Rarity wasn't in the room. She could almost feel Rarity's eyes on her as she answered the question. It made Applejack feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night. Although, that was all over now, and a new day was here, and Applejack had a truck to drive. 

       Applejack was currently helping Rarity load all four of her giant bags onto her truck. Applejack figured Rarity wouldn't be able to carry them all herself, so she volunteered to help. 

"Thank you darling, it was very generous of you to come and help me with my things." Rarity thanked Applejack.

"Don't mention it, Sugarcube," Applejack said simply, "it's mah pleasure." She turned to face Rarity, who was already looking at her. Applejack winked at the fashionista. Rarity turned back to her bags and pushed them farther back into the truck's trunk. 

"Hey, are ya doin' alright, Rarity?" Applejack wondered, "You've been actin' mighty...strange lately."

Rarity didn't turn back, "What ever do you mean darling?" She rummaged with her bags to avoid looking back at Applejack, "I've never been better."

"Come on Rarity, Ah know you," Applejack urged, "somethin's wrong, 'cause you're not turnin' back to face me either." Applejack pointed out.

Rarity now turned back to look at Applejack, "I already told you, I'm just fine." Applejack watched as Rarity's sapphire eyes avoided hers, which only meant that she was lying. Knowing that this would end up with Rarity becoming passive aggressive, Applejack decided to drop it.

"Alrighty then," She concluded, "if you say so."

It was then that the fashionista finally met the eyes of the farm girl. Her expression was aggravated, but her eyes said something different. Sapphires full of doubt and regret stared right back at Applejack. She knew that look too well. Rarity clearly had something on her mind that was bothering her. Applejack really wanted to know what, but she also knew that avoiding any negative energy was crucial at that moment. To benefit their other friends who would be stuck with them like this for hours on the road. Rarity looked Applejack up and down, she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She turned back to her bags, and pushed the last one farther into the truck. Rarity then proceeded to walk back towards the house, purposefully bumping Applejack's shoulder on her way. Applejack sighed as she watched Rarity walk away dramatically. 

       Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash emerged soon after Rarity had walked inside Pinkie's house. Behind them came Fluttershy and Twilight. Sunset turned back at Fluttershy and said something to her as she gave her a small wave. The shy girl smiled at her friend and gently waved her hand back at her. Sunset turned back around and nudged Rainbow Dash with her right elbow. Rainbow nudged back and gave her an angry look. She then dashed over to Applejack and threw her bag in the trunk in the process. 

The rainbow flash went away as Rainbow stopped next to Applejack, "Hey AJ, need any help?" Rainbow said urgently, as if she were trying to preoccupy herself with something. 

Applejack grew slightly suspicious, "Nah, Ah'm all done here," Applejack tilted her head, "You alright there,Rainbow? Why, you're more eager than Apple Bloom at breakfast time." It was true, the girl's younger sister always enjoys her pancakes, sometimes a little too much. 

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