Fluttershy (XV) Timber Wolves

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       Fluttershy truly hurted for Rarity. She hated seeing her best friend in this distress. Even now, as they scurried through the woods, avoiding thorns and branches, Rarity kept a blank face. She and Pinkie tried their best to distract her, or at least cheer her up, but they didn't have the best luck in doing so after all.

About forty minutes prior...

Fluttershy was running as fast as her fragile  legs would let her. Catching up to her, was Pinkie Pie, whom despite Fluttershy, seemed to be nowhere near out of breath. Only from screaming after Rarity would her breath be shortened, however it was not.

"C'mon Fluttershy, don't let her out of your sight!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I...won't, Pinkie!" Fluttershy panted.

"Rarity!" Pinkie shrieked, "Slow down!"

"Please!" Fluttershy managed.

Feet away was a distraught Rarity, who sprinted through the various trees and greenery. Normally, Rarity would never dare to run this fast, or come into contact with anything natural as she was currently. The fashionista said nothing but continued to run, what seemed like even faster than before. Either that, or Fluttershy was slowing down.

"I know a way we can stop her!" Pinkie exclaimed, "Here..."

Pinkie proceeded to grab a clump of sprinkles from her pocket. Fluttershy gasped and covered the optimist's hand quickly, as they were still running.

"You can't, Pinkie!" Fluttershy warned, "It'll put you or Rarity in danger, maybe even both of you."

"But we don't know where she's going!" Pinkie Pie urged, "She could be running all the way back to Canterlot City for all we know!"

"Oh...I don't know..." Fluttershy said worriedly.

At this moment Fluttershy was seriously contemplating on whether she should volunteer to use her own power or not. If she could get some of the woodland creatures that lived nearby to somehow stop Rarity, or even slow her down, Fluttershy should pull through with it. However, there was still the risk of the magic going haywire, as it did for Applejack. For the sake of Rarity, Fluttershy proceeded with,

"Pinkie! I have a plan!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Oooh let me hear, let me hear!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"I could ask the woodland creatures to make a distraction, long enough for you to create a hole, big enough to stop her, but not too big to make her trip, got it?" Fluttershy explained.

"Clear as a whistle, Fluttershy!" Pinkie said optimistically.

"I'm sorry about this Rarity..." Fluttershy whispered apologetically.

Fluttershy held her yellow geode and spoke, "Woodland creatures of the forest, I need your help!"

An array of squirrels and chipmunks began to appear from small bushes and even some from trees. As Pinkie and Fluttershy ran, the creatures began to run with them.

"My friends, could you all please do me a favor and follow that girl over there?" Fluttershy pointed to Rarity who was beginning to reach the edge of the woods, "Would you mind distracting her long enough so we can catch up to her?"

We've got you covered! one squirrel said proudly.

Anything for you, Fluttershy!  said a chipmunk that ran just beside Fluttershy's feet.

"Thank you, now please be gentle!" Fluttershy added as the creatures ran after Rarity.

"Alright, be ready Pinkie!" Fluttershy said determinedly, turning back to her pink friend, who had  her sprinkles ready.

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