Rainbow Dash (IX) Applejack's Secret

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Rainbow Dash was not really feeling it this morning. Well, at least breakfast had lightened her mood a little, she was still a little paranoid about being caught by all her friends that morning. Despite having a totally awesome night, she wished they had picked a more...secret spot. However, it was indeed the spot Fluttershy decided to run off to so that's just where Rainbow had to go to be with her that night, paying for the consequences or not. What scared her even more was the fact that Applejack was picking up on Rainbow's strange behavior.

The girls were both currently getting bow and arrows from the main building supply room. If Applejack asked if Rainbow was okay one more time she was actually going to explode. As soon as Rainbow got hold of a bow and a pouch of arrows, she dashed out of there as quickly as possible over to the archery area.

About ten minutes later, Applejack entered. She seemed completely out of breath.

"What in your right mind made you run off like that, Rainbow Dash?" Applejack sounded angry as she stomped over to Rainbow, "Ah had to run all the way over here, and-" She stopped to catch her breath.

"Sorry, AJ." Rainbow said as she shot another arrow at a red and white target.

"'Sorry'? Is that all you're gonna give me?" Applejack sounded more angry than beforehand, "Ah would like an explanation missy." She demanded.

Rainbow didn't turn around, "...I don't know what to tell you, AJ." Rainbow lied, "Just wanted to get here fast."

"Does this by any chance have anythin' to do with Fluttershy?" Applejack questioned.

Rainbow froze. She recollected her cool soon after, "Uh- what about her?"

Applejack walked next to Rainbow Dash and stood in front of the target beside Rainbow's. She grabbed an arrow and sent it flying toward the target, landing perfectly in the red center.

"How did you-" Rainbow was cut off.

"Cut the act Rainbow Dash." Applejack said sternly.

"I-what?" Rainbow was sincerely confused at this, "Cut what act?"

"C'mon don't play dumb with me," Applejack said, "Ah know."

Rainbow turned to Applejack, "Know what?"

"How you act around Fluttershy, how ya look at her...how ya talk about her even...Ah know what it means, Rainbow." Applejack finally admitted, "You're in love with her, Rainbow, everyone can see it."

Rainbow just stood there. She couldn't move. Why was everyone finding this out now?

"How..." Rainbow couldn't speak.

"Because, Ah got eyes don't Ah?" Applejack chuckled.

"You know who else has eyes?" Rainbow felt the sudden thirst for revenge, "Me!"

"..What?" Applejack seemed confused.

"Oh come on AJ," Rainbow prepared herself to drop this one on Applejack.

"What!?" Applejack urged.

"What about Rarity huh?" Rainbow finally said it.

Applejack's face became expressionless almost instantly, "What about her?" She turned to the target once more and started shooting arrows one by one.

"Don't think I don't see the way you act around her." Rainbow accused, "See how the tables turn, Applejack?"

"Ah have no clue what you're goin' on about." Applejack shot another arrow, this time with more force than the one before.

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