Rainbow Dash (IV) Exposed

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       Rainbow Dash was staring at the floor, she perked her head up when her name was called, "Huh- oh, dare, obviously." She said with ease.

Pinkie scratched her chin, "Hmmm, oooh! I dare you to put your hair in pigtails and leave them in for a whole round!" 

Rainbow groaned, "Do I really have to?" reminding herself it was a dare, she shrugged, "Fine." She looked at her wrist to find she only had one hair tie. She turned to Fluttershy who sat next to her, "Hey Fluttershy can I borrow a hair tie? I...uh," when Fluttershy looked back Rainbow had forgotten what she was saying, "I only have...one." Once again, Rainbow had embarrassed herself in front of Fluttershy. She might as well have done a count to how many times that happened just that night.

"Oh, yes of course!" She took her only hair tie off her wrist and gave it to Rainbow, "Here." She said as she reached out her hand to give her the hair tie. 

Rainbow took it. Their hands briefly touched during the exchange and once again, the butterflies   were dancing in Rainbow's stomach. She rubbed the back of her neck, "T-thanks." Why was she acting like this? Rainbow Dash usually found it easy to contain herself around Fluttershy, but lately it has been getting harder and harder every time they saw each other. As well as the dreams, which were beginning to be more of Fluttershy than anything else. Every night she was more present in the athlete's dreams, and she didn't know what to think of it. Frankly, it drove her crazy.

"No problem!" Fluttershy said in her usual sweet tone. 

Rainbow then proceeded to put her hair up in two pigtails, as Pinkie Pie's dare stated. She looked back at Fluttershy, Rarity was sitting beside her, who snorted. 

Fluttershy covered her mouth and giggled, "Rainbow Dash...you look so...weird," She removed her hand from her hand and rested it on the floor, "I can barely recognize you like that!"

Rarity laughed out loud, "Yes, you do look rather silly, darling," 

The whole room laughed at Rainbow, who was now understandably red. Rainbow watched as Fluttershy's giggles turned into a full laugh. Man, Rainbow loves it when she laughs. She looked absolutely beautiful in Rainbow's eyes in that moment. Well, honestly, she always looks beautiful. Rainbow cannot express how badly she wanted to kiss Fluttershy right then and there, but of course, she couldn't. 

       After a few spins, Sunset was wearing Twilight's glasses, and Pinkie was only allowed to speak with her tongue out, which made it very difficult for her to say anything at all, Rainbow figured that was the point. To keep Pinkie quiet for just a little while. The bottle was spun once more, this time by Twilight. It landed on Applejack, who was slightly caught by surprise. Sunset suddenly whispered something in Twilight's ear and giggled.

 Twilight nodded at Sunset, "Truth or Dare, Applejack?" 

Applejack scratched her head, "Truth, I s'pose."

Twilight laughed to herself, "Alright...do you like anyone that goes to Canterlot High?" 

Applejack seemed to be struck by this question, her face appeared red as she forced out a: "Yeah, A-Ah, guess Ah do." She stuttered. 

Rainbow Dash was slightly caught by surprise. Why hadn't Applejack told her about who she was crushing on? Weird.

Twilight giggled along with Sunset, "Wow, didn't expect that Applejack."

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