Applejack (XII) Bad Dreams

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       Applejack didn't understand prophecies. What was the point of them? They just didn't make sense to her. Why couldn't the oracle just tell them directly what they needed to do? Instead, all the seven friends had to go off from what was a couple of lines and riddles that somehow made sense when given a lot of thought. That idea didn't sit with Twilight Sparkle well. She spent the whole night reciting the prophecy aloud to the point where she had come to the brink of losing her own mind. This worried Applejack and her friends. Sunset tried to calm her down the best she could, but there was only so much one could do to snap Twilight into place once she was in the zone. Twilight kept the girls up all night in the Sapphire tent, trying to crack the code...or the prophecy. By morning, most the girls were asleep, including Applejack. She and her friends had finally gotten the opportunity to drift off to sleep once Twilight claimed she needed to think on her own. Applejack was honestly too tired to see if that really was what Twilight was doing. All she remembers is seeing Twilight curling up in a ball in the corner of the tent and rocking back and fourth as she held her notebook tightly. Sunset comforted her, despite her exhaustion, and encouraged her to take a break and go to sleep. Twilight said nothing but continued to rock. At this point, Applejack figured Sunset would eventually convince Twilight to give it up, so she let sleep overtake her. The last thing she saw before she shut her eyes completely was a glamorous Rarity, who rested just beside her, fedora and all, somehow keeping her grace, as she always seemed to do even in her sleep.

       As Applejack began to wake up she thought of her family back home. Big Mac, her older brother, who Applejack assumed was generously taking over her chores for her. Once she got home she had to repay him in some way. Applebloom , Applejack's younger sister, who had been texting her continuously about how much fun she was having with her friends, Sweetie Belle (Rarity's younger sister) and Scootaloo. Then there was Granny Smith, Applejack's grandmother. Honestly, Applejack missed her grandmother's snarky comments in the morning, or her complaints about AppleBloom being too loud, or even her lectures. This made Applejack realize how long these few days felt. What she didn't know was that they were about to get even longer.

"Ohmigosh Ohmigosh!" Twilight panicked, "I can't believe I fell asleep!"

Applejack's eyes opened immediately at the sound of her friend's distress. She blinked as she scanned the room, regaining focus of her surroundings. 

"Twilight would ya-" Applejack didn't get to finish her sentence.

"No, I won't" Twilight snapped, "We have a day and a half before we have to leave, and I know this can't be good." 

"Would ya just please calm-" Applejack's pleading was interrupted yet again.

"I can't, how can I stay calm when I can't understand the first ever prophecy I've ever been given?" Twilight paced, "I can't!"

"Well, Ah don't know anythin' about 'em mahself, but Ahm sure we'll figure it out as we go..." Applejack said unsurely.

"What ever is the matter now, dear?" Rarity sat up near Applejack. She seemed concerned yet slightly aggravated at their panicking friend.

"Ugh!" Twilight exclaimed, "I'm going on a walk." Twilight began to proceed toward the gape of the tent. Spike, her dog, stopped her by pawing at her shoe.

"Twilight, please!" Spike pleaded, "Give it a rest. Applejack's right. Prophecies aren't known to be figured out before the deed, it's usually after!"

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