Rarity(III) Tension

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Rarity really disliked camping. No, that's an understatement. She despised it. She very much preferred glamping. However, Camp Everfree was different somehow. Possibly because it was where she and her friends had discovered their new magical abilities, or maybe it was the wonderful crystal ball that they held. Although it was held in a cave, Rarity had to admit it was absolutely divine. With all the shimmering gems and minerals that lived within the cave, and their resemblance to the fabulous geodes the girls were gifted by the cave by the rock quarry, after defeating Gloriosa who had temporarily became the living legend of "Gaea Everfree". This was not possible without the geodes, for they are what held the very powerful force of equestrian magic, that Rarity and her friends believe to be the source of their powers. Rarity's ability was to create shields and forcefields. With the simple reach of a hand or two a rather glamorous yet protective diamond shield appears that could block anything or anyone in its path. This power of Rarity's comes most useful to her and her friends when they are in combat agains any type of source or person wrongly using equestrian magic. She can block fires of magic, explosions, and create forcefields around her friends. Though it cannot be held up forever, for it requires a lot of focus and strength, it is powerful enough to save her friends time to recollect during any sort of conflict or combat.

Rarity vividly recalls the last time she had to use this power, when Camp Everfree was being overtaken and surrounded by wicked thorns from the earth below. Her and her friends were about to be trapped under a dome of thorns when Rarity jumped to their rescue, performing her largest forcefield yet. She remembers struggling to keep it standing, it was rather painful, especially with the pressure she was under to keep all of her friends at bay. She also recalls giving in to the opposing force outside of her dome. As Twilight broke free from Midnight Sparkle and tested her ability to use her magic, Rarity let weakness overcome her. She remembers falling back as she released the diamond forcefield, into Applejack's arms, who held her tight. It was only then that Rarity felt safe, despite everything going on. She felt at peace. That alone gave her the strength to continue on and help her friends save Gloriosa from the overpowering equestrian magic and her fellow classmates as well.

Today was Thursday. The girls decided to have a sleepover to prepare for their trip to Camp Everfree for the weekend. It was Pinkie's idea, quite brilliant actually, Rarity wanted time to help the girls pick outfits for the weekend. She had also created a whole line specifically for camping a little while ago so she saw this sleepover as a perfect opportunity to see the her friends in her new ensemble.

Rarity was supposed to be at Pinkie's in a half hour or so. She had already showered, shampooed and conditioned twice. She couldn't stand the thought of being in nature for three days in the dirt without showering. She also had to make sure she was packed and ready with all the essentials. For Rarity, that meant about 4 to 5 bags or so. Well, with the ensemble, all her own outfits, makeup, hair products, perfumes, face masks, pajamas, spare pajamas, Rarity couldn't just fit all her necessities into one bag.

Checking that she had all her things together and packed, Rarity turned to admire herself in the mirror. She checked her hair, big purple curls bounced on her shoulders as she looked herself up and down. She wore a simple white blouse with a blue skirt. Her makeup was rather simple but appeared that she put a lot of effort into it. It really just was her signature blue eye shadow and touch of mascara. Rarity did always seem to dress to impress, however she would normally say she had no one to impress at all, for she was just embracing her inner and outer beauty. Currently this was true...partly. She smiled at her reflection as she thought about her.

Before preparing to head out of her room to meet Fluttershy who was most likely waiting outside for her, the door to her room suddenly creaked open. Still looking at her reflection and smiling, Rarity saw her younger sister, Sweetie Belle, standing behind her.

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