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new year's eve - a moment where old resolutions that are never fulfilled are replaced with new ones. i've always thought the idea of new years resolutions to be fucking stupid. i mean, why should a day determine when you want to set a goal for yourself? and besides, i bet half of the people who make resolutions don't even finish them by the end of the year. everyone goes around acting as if they have a clean slate, but in actuality, the past always follows you.

saerin was having a new year's eve party at her house, to which almost everyone at school went to. majority of the crowd were seniors, with some juniors here and there. i expected certain people to come, simply because when you see a familiar face at one party, you'll most likely find them again at another one.

but what i didn't expect to see was you.

you hated parties, always ranting about how loud the music was and how disgusting the smell of liquor was to you. you'd rant on and on and every time i just wished you would shut up. i peeked at the doorway, watching you enter the house from across the room. behind you was yoongi, his arm draped casually across your shoulder. he came over some time during the night to say hey to all of us, but all the other times, he was with you.

i assumed you guys were just friends and i was perfectly okay with that. i never really cared if you were friends with any of my friends. in fact, you used to be pretty close with my friends too, but for some reason, you stopped talking to us. i didn't question it, since we stopped talking around that time too.

it was 11:59, one minute before the ball drops. a huge tv was hung high against the wall, a whole crowd of people turned towards it. everyone was laughing and talking amongst one another, finding that special someone to share their new year's eve kiss with. i stood beside jimin and saerin, hands stuffed into my front pockets.

you were no where to be found, not a single face in the crowd looked like yours. i figured that you had already gone home by now. suddenly, a timer appeared on the screen, counting down the seconds before the clock hit twelve. once the timer hit 20, that's when everyone started counting. i looking at jimin and saerin, watching them count with big smiles on their faces.






"Happy New Year!"

the crowd went ballistic - screams and cheers flooding my ears. i turned towards saerin, smirking as i spoke, "shouldn't you find someone to share your new year's eve kiss with?"

"i already did," she responded before her lips collided with mine. i was taken back at the sudden action at first, but then i slowly sinking into the kiss, using my hand to cup her cheek.

the feeling was like magic - it sent tingles through my body, blinding me from all that was around me. the feeling was so blinding that i completely didn't notice you inches away from me, sharing a new year's eve kiss with yoongi.

it was that moment, a simple new year's kiss, that would turn the tables and completely ruin everything for you.

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