twenty eight.

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while the two of us sat outside of the hospital that night, jimin decided to tell me everything you told him. he told me about yoongi, your feelings about ryujin, the things she's been saying and spreading about you. all of these things i never knew before shocked me. i was mainly surprised that i never realized all of this was happening. if i had been more involved in your life, maybe i would have known.

mom and dad arrived about a couple of minutes ago, bombarding us with questions. we explained to them what happened at prom, but we decided to let everything else go unsaid for now. jimin and i sat next to each other in the hospital waiting room chairs, while mom and dad took the ones across from us. dad was leaned back into his chair, mom's head rested on his shoulder as their fingers interlocked. any other person would say they were handling this well from how they appeared, but you and i knew them better than we knew ourselves.

the anticipation was killing them.

a doctor started trudging down the hallway, standing in the doorway of the lobby. his eyes scanned the room, landing on jimin and i.

"you two were the boys who brought in jung minji, right?" he questioned, walking towards us.

your name sent all of us onto our feet, rushing towards the doctor. i took the initiative to speak up, "yes. i'm her brother and he's a family friend."

the doctor turned towards mom and dad, raising a questioning brow, "i'm going to assume you two are her parents?"

"yes, doctor. how is her condition?" dad asked, his fingers still interlocked with mom's.

his eyes softened at the sight of their hands, a sigh escaping his lips. his tongue swiped across his lips, as if he was struggling internally. he glanced at us, a breathy scoff escaping his lips as he mumbled, "i thought i would be used to doing this by now, yet i always struggle."

"please, doctor," mom cried out, her body shaking as she pleaded.

he stared at my mom's frantic, worried state, which must've hit a soft spot in his heart. another sigh escaping his lips, "i'm so sorry, we've tried everything we could. the amount of pills she consumed was too much, and by the time we got to her, it was already spreading throughout her system - it was too late."

"your daughter is dead."

it was only four words, a simple sentence that sent all of us into mixed reactions. mom burst into tears at the doctor's words, sobbing into dad's chest. she gripped his dress shirt, shaking in his arms. he wrapped his arms around her, lips pressed against the top of her head. he shut his eyes, fighting to hold back tears.

i felt everything in my body sink, my heart dropping in my chest. i felt like complete shit, every part of my body numb. my throat grew dry as my breath started to quiver. jimin's face grew pale, eyes shut tight as tears flew down his porcelain cheeks. his soft footsteps moved back, but i was too numb to turn and see where he moved to.

the doctor awkwardly stood before us, sympathizing with our pain. after some time, he spoke up, "i'm not necessarily allowed to do this but because of the situation, i can let you all see her for a small amount of time."

mom pulled her face away from dad's chest, makeup ruined as she wiped her eyes, "can we?"

"of course, right this way," the doctor instructed, my parents following behind the doctor.

i walked forward, inches away from my parents. i turned around, noticing jimin was sitting in the lobby, tears falling down his cheeks. i opened my mouth to speak but slowly shut it, understanding that it would only hurt him more if he looked at her. i turned back, making my way towards your hospital room.

the doctor turned the corner, halting in front of a room. he held the doorknob, hesitating before slowly opening it. the room was a mess, different forms of medical equipment scattered around the room. at the end of the room was a bed, that held your limp body. mom quickly rushed over to the bed, leaning down to peer at your face. she reached for your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours. using her free hand, she brushed the hair away from your face.

"i'm so sorry, baby. i'm sorry," mom quivered, voice cracking whilst she spoke.

dad stood behind her, sucking in a breath of air at the sight. i stood in the doorway, too afraid to walk towards you. i felt my legs move on their own, your face growing fuller in view. i stood at the other side of the bed, pain stabbing my heart at the sight of you. your skin was pale, chapped lips parted. the froth that escaped your lips earlier left a stain on the corner of your lips. your makeup was smudged, dried tear stains painted across your cheeks.

my eyes traveled from your face, to your wrinkled dress, to the iv cords on your arms. my trembling hands reached for your forearm, the warmth of my hand sending heat to your cold corpse. i sucked in a breath, turning your arm over. i nearly withered at the sight, my eyes scanning over the bruises coated on your arms. my thumb rubbed across the one on your forearm, sending tears to my eyes.

i took one last look at your face, releasing your forearm before cupping your cheek. i traced the dried tear stain on your cheek with my thumb, the tears that clouded my vision falling down my face. my lips quivered, soft sobs escaping my lips. the door reopened, causing me to look away from your delicate face.

the doctor stood sadly in the doorway, eyes soft as he glanced at us, "it's time to go."

the three of us stood in our spots, refusing to leave you. mom let go of your hand, placing a quivering kiss on your forehead. she stepped out of the way, letting dad have a moment with you. he cupped your cheek, smiling sadly before slowly letting go. with dad close behind her, he led mom out of the room. the doctor watched the two of them leave, his eyes turning back to me. i met his gaze, gulping at his stare. i had to go.

i looked down at your face once more, a soft sigh escaping my lips. i pulled off the boutonniere from my tux, gently peeling the rose off the arrangement of flowers. i tucked the rose behind your ear, mumbling as i spoke, "i'll love you forever, minji."

i slowly walked away from your body, heart heavy with every step i took. i walked down the hall, hands stuffed in my pockets as my gaze was focused on the floor. my steps started to stagger, the pain in my heart flooding through my body. i heard sobbing as i reached closer to the lobby, averting my gaze.

mom was sobbing into dad's arms again, dad releasing a few tears of his own. jimin was still in the chair, staring at me with swollen eyes. my gaze was focused on mom and dad, watching at how pained they were. they were breaking, the loss of a daughter eating away at them. none of this would've happened if you had someone to talk to, someone to help you. if i didn't push you away, if you didn't lose all of your friends, if ryujin didnt bully you, if yoongi didn't abuse you - you'd still be alive.

my heart started to pound against my chest, my body sent into a pounce. with clenched fists, i strode out of the lobby, pushing open the doors ahead of me. i ran down the stairs, making my way towards the parking lot. the sound of the hospital door followed behind me as footsteps grew closer to my figure. my blood boiled with every step i took, my eyes sharp.

"hoseok. hoseok!" jimin called out from behind me.

i reached my car, pulling my key out of my pocket. i unlocked the car, opening the door. jimin stood by the passenger side, staring at me in shock, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"just get in the damn car, jimin."

he hesitated before sitting in the passenger seat, worry evident in his eyes. i started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot. i drove away from the hospital, knuckles white as i gripped the steering wheel.

"hoseok, where are we going? and can you slow the fuck down?"

"you'll find out in a bit," i responded, my voice hoarse from how dry my throat was. my mind was set onto one destination, one single person. i couldn't get it out of my head, it flooded every sense in my body.

i wasn't going to stop until i got there.

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