twenty nine.

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i pulled in front of the entrance, shutting the car off. jimin furrowed his eyebrows at me, staring at the building we were parked in front of, "why are we back at prom?"

"i wanna talk to someone," i bluntly stated, unbuckling my seat belt before exiting the car. jimin quickly got out, walking around the car to stand in front of me.

"hoseok, don't tell me this has to do with yoongi."

"it has everything to do with yoongi," i pushed past him, walking towards the entrance of the gym.

jimin ran up to me, "hoseok! think about what you're doing!"

"don't you get it jimin? i can't fucking think about anything right now!" i cried out, stopping in my tracks. "minji is dead because of that bastard and i'm not gonna sit here like a bitch and let what he did get pushed under the rug!"

"besides, you wanted to beat him up too, right?" i added, walking into the gym. jimin stood behind me, not fighting with me any longer.

jimin and i looked around the gym, surprised that prom was still going on. he peeked over the crowd, "where is he?"

my eyes trailed the scene, looking for yoongi. i finally spotted saerin, her worried eyes typing away at her phone. near her was yoongi, who sat at the table, his date sitting in his lap.

"found him," i spoke, making my way towards him.

i grew closer and closer to the table, my hand curling in and out of a fist. my blood pumped at the sight of him, the anger i held in slowly seeping through. i reached near the table, causing some people to notice me. i heard namjoon ask if i was okay, but i ignored all of their comments.

i stood in front of yoongi, grabbing him by the collar before slamming him to the floor, punching him square in the face. the other guys ran over to us, trying to hold me back. i gritted my teeth, knuckles white as i poured all my anger onto his face.

with a tight grip, jungkook and jin pulled me off of yoongi. everyone stopped dancing, all eyes focused on the two of us. taehyung helped yoongi up, who held his bloody nose in pain as he angrily shouted at me, "what the fuck was that for?"

"do you think i'm fucking stupid?" i shouted at him.


"you honestly thought you could get away with trying to get with my sister, huh?" i questioned, causing a quick flash of shock to swirl in his eyes.

"hoseok that was months ago!" he cried out.

"if it was months ago then why the hell are you still spreading shit about her?"

"what are you talking about?"

"don't play fucking stupid with me yoongi. you tried to rape her and when she didn't want to suck your tiny dick, you told the entire school rumors about her that weren't true," i explained. the shock in his eyes now turned into fear, the weight of his actions coming back to bite him in the ass.

"she gets what she fucking deserves," yoongi spat, which sent me in a rage. i pounced off of jungkook and jin, firing more punches at him.

"this is all your fault!" i shouted, pounding my last blow at his face. i backed away from him, watching as he cursed from the pain.

"because of you and every idiot at this school, my sister is fucking dead!" i screamed, fresh tears flying down my cheeks. the entire crowd froze at my words, yoongi's eyes wide in shock.

"what the fuck is wrong with you all? did you have any idea what she was going through or what her feelings were? all of you assholes don't give a shit about anyone else but yourselves!" i continued on, screaming at all of the people staring in the crowd.

i immediately spotted ryujin, whose face looked pale as a ghost. i chuckled, "and don't even get me started on you. you're nothing but a two-faced bitch and you wouldn't be where you were today if it wasn't for minji."

"so are you happy now? did you fucking get what you wanted?" i yelled, looking back at yoongi.

"i hope you rot in hell, asswipe," I spat, turning on my heel as i made my way out of the gym. i pushed through the crowd of people, not a single person retaliating at my action.

jimin faced yoongi, gritting his teeth as he snarled, "you can kiss that scholarship goodbye when we take your ass to jail for assault, dickhead."

he turned to follow after me, his eyes landing on my figure sitting in the driver's seat. he entered the passenger's seat, shutting the door before the two of us drove off. the car ride was silent, not a single one of us said anything. we reached the hospital, the car halting to a stop.

jimin turned to me, "you coming?"

"yeah, just give me a minute," i softly responded, causing jimin to nod.

i waited until he exited the car, walking into the building. i shut the car off, my hand throbbing in pain from the punches. i held the top of the steering wheel, resting my forehead against my sore knuckles. shutting my eyes tight, hot tears poured down my cheeks. i sucked in a breath, sobbing in the darkness of my car. my breaths grew shaky as my sobs grew louder, an empty feeling appearing in my heart.

all of the things i wanted to say, all of the mistakes i wanted to fix, i couldn't do any of it. there was nothing i could do, you were gone. despite all that happened, i could never imagine a world without you, a world where you weren't with me. i refused to believe you were gone, i didn't want to believe any of it. i could've saved you, helped you. if i had gotten there sooner, if i had stopped you at prom, if i hadn't ignored you for all those years. it was no use, none of it was.

i realized everything too late, and now, i was paying for my mistakes.

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