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after what happened in the cafeteria, jimin stopped hanging out with us. sometimes he still talked to us here and there, but whenever yoongi was around, he didn't even look our way. the question of what happened between you two was never answered. no one asked - in order to avoid any more conflict amongst the group.

instead, jimin starts spending more time with you. i always caught glances of you two walking in the halls or jimin eating lunch with you in empty classrooms. because of all the rumors circulating about you, people started believing that jimin was your new boy toy. but you two were nothing more than friends, and he couldn't give a damn about what they were saying.

it made you feel bad, that people were starting to make fun of jimin because he was hanging out with you. you felt guilty, pulling him away from the attention he once had.

"what's up?" he asked you one morning, feet on his desk as he sipped a banana milk.

you sat at the desk beside him, "you shouldn't have to go through all of this."


"everyone is making fun of you for hanging out with me. it's all my fault, you don't deserve to be treated that way," you sympathized.

he shrugged, "i could care less what they think. i'm tired of letting other people's words control me. it's not your fault, they're just idiots who believe every shit that comes out of yoongi's mouth."

"yeah, i guess you're right," you responded, standing up, "thanks. i gotta get to gym, i'll see you later?"

"see ya," he responded, watching as you walked out of the room.

no matter what he said, you couldn't help yourself from feeling bad. if you hadn't fallen for yoongi's stupid tricks, none of this would've happened. it made you feel sick, hearing all the things they were saying about you and jimin. one of the girls in gym class said that you paid jimin money so you can suck his dick. you wanted to cry right there, but chose to just walk away.

no matter what reassuring words jimin tried to tell you, it only made you more upset.

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