twenty two.

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you made your way into school, your drowsy eyes scanning the scene before you. every day felt the same, not one thing peeked your interest. you were slowly dredging the days as you went by, not wanting to come back to the hellhole we called a school. dad had a business trip that he invited me to go on with him, to which i agreed too. this meant that you were stuck riding the bus for the next three days.

you walked towards your locker, grabbing the same books for the same classes. you shut your locker, staring down the hall at a specific figure. it was yoongi at his locker, talking with two of his teammates on the basketball team. your gaze pierced him, something inside you boiling the more you stared at him. if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have to be going through all of this, you wouldn't have been bullied and slut shamed. your anger engulfed you, sending you into a rough saunter towards him. you didn't notice it until you were right in front of his locker, inches away from him.

"hey" you called out, immediately grabbing the attention of all three boys. he turned away from the guys and stared at you, widening his eyes in shock at you standing before him.


"i need to talk to you."

he turned to the guys, nudging his head towards the side, which was a silent way of telling them to get lost. he watched as they walked away, sending his full attention towards you.

"can you make it quick? i have history in 10 minutes"

"you're such a dick, you know that?"

"tell me something i don't know, sweetheart," he grinned.

"why are you doing this, yoongi?"

he furrowed his brows, "huh?"

"don't play fucking stupid, you know exactly what i mean," you spat, crossing your arms over your chest.

he shut his locker door, gripping the straps of his backpack, "i didn't do anything."

"oh really? so i guess there's a completely different min yoongi at this school who's spread rumors about me being a slut then?"

he ignored your smart remark, "you caught me, is that what you wanted?"

you curled your hands into fists, "yes and i want you to fucking stop! you know that nothing happened between us that night, so stop spreading shit around!"

"what are you gonna do about it if i dont stop, hm? go cry to your stupid brother?"

you glared at him, "i'll tell everyone the truth about what happened."

"the truth? babygirl, i've been telling everyone the truth," he leaned in closer, his minty breath inches away from your face. "besides, no one will believe you if you come forward with anything. you know what they say, you can't stop something from breaking if its already broken."

you were stunned by his words, your heart dropping in your chest. he noticed how defeated your expression became, smirking at the damage he had done. he skimmed over your figure, noticing how the top of your uniform was covered by an oversized hoodie.

"it's a shame you cover your beautiful body like that. i'm sure tons of other guys at this school like freaky girls like you," he turned around, walking towards his class.

you stood beside his locker, breath shaking as you watched him walk away. your hands throbbed from how hard you clenched your fists. you couldn't believe it, that his ego had completely taken over him. he wasn't the boy you fell in love with, the boy who you thought changed. you realized all of those times he was nice to you, all of those sweet gestures - it was all an act. he displayed it only when he was with you, attempting to convince you he changed his ways. and hell, you believed him.

There was nothing you could do or say anymore, no one would believe you. Your truth didn't matter anymore, because just like he said, the situation  already did what it had to do. tears threatened to slip down your cheeks as you bit your lip.

the damage was done, and it slowly ate away at every single thing inside of you.

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