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a week has gone by since you and yoongi stopped speaking. a lot of other people took notice - only because it was obvious you two weren't on good terms. one minute, you two spend every minute at school together, and the next, you two can't even spare each other a single glance.

you pushed the car door open, swinging your bag over your shoulder as you shut the door. i climbed out of the car, mimicking your movements. this time, you decided to walk side by side with me. it threw me off guard, considering that you're always inches ahead of me whenever we enter school.

despite this, our mouths continued to stay shut. neither of us said a single thing to one another, our eyes never grazing upon one another. in my eyes, us doing this was something normal. in reality, it shouldn't have been.

to make the situation even more weirder, every person we walked by turned around to glance at you. it seems you noticed too, because you turned around to stare at them back. those who were having conversations stopped speaking, their eyes following your every move. some whispered to each other silently, while others quickly looked away when you connected eyes.

it felt like something straight out of a movie - that sickly feeling where you know something bad happened.

you stopped at your locker, turning the lock before pulling it open. i stood at the side of it, hesitating before questioning you, "hey, why is everyone staring at y-"

it was like my words instantly pushed a button for you. you slammed your locker as loud as you could, walking down the hall. i pursed my lips, annoyance clear in my eyes.

it was clear you didn't want to talk about it, however, i didn't understand that at the time.

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