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Eventually I moved to a new school after a few days of persuading my mother. Gosh , it's too hard to persuade her though.

Before going to school, I found a machine. Fortune teller machine. The machine said the first day of school I would meet my lover.

Is that right? I don't easily believe this trivial thing but if it does happen, I do not know what to say . Well at my old school I don't have any boyfriend cause we're too closer and also we made a promise .

I never break promise .

I walk around the basketball court and saw Yeonjun .

"Areum !" He shouted but I pretend not to care . God , why I'm blushing ? Cause boy never shout my name before .

"Hey , hey" He said and tapped my shoulder . I stop my track and face him . He is my ex crush .

"I-I'm sorry , I have to go" I said and continued walk . I walk more faster when he followed me from behind .

I just look down make me bump onto someone chest .

"Ouch !" I groaned in pain . The boy hand me his hands .

"I'm sorry" He said and pulled me to stand up . My cheeks burn .

"It's okay" I shuttered and walk away . Cursed you , I'm blushing . Well , if he is my lover...

Don't know what to say .

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