My Love is as a fever Chapter 18 Part II

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-FLASHBACK 10 Part II- (The real one)

After Toey and New had sex in the school, they went to their house respectively.

(The next day)

After the class finished, New came to Toey's class to meet him.

"New, I cannot drop you to your house today. I have to go to somewhere else. Sorry, nah. You can go to your home by yourself".

New disappointed by his actions. After he went to home, he messaged Toey.

New : Did you reached your home?

New was waiting for his reply for the whole day but he didn't receive anything. He felt like Toey was ignoring him after the sex. The next day, he planned to meet him personally but he didn't get that chance. One day became one week. Toey was ignoring New for a week.

One day, after the class finished, New got a message from Toey.

Toey : Can you meet me at my class now?

New rushed to go to the classroom to meet Toey.

He met Toey alone in the class. There was no one were there.

"Toey, why are you ignoring me? You ignored me since the day we had sex".

"Exactly. Do you want to have sex right now?"

"No, P'. I don't want".

"Why you don't want? Don't you enjoy that last time?"

"P', why are you talking like this? I'm really scared".

"Don't be scared. I am your boyfriend. Do you want to meet my another boyfriend?"

New really shocked by his words. He didn't expect anything like this to happen. He was really scared to stand there. Another person entered the classroom. It was his Math professor, Professor Thon.

"New, meet my boyfriend. He is really hot right. Actually, Professor Thon also likes you. Do you want to have sex with him?"

"P', what are you talking about?"

New got panicked and he don't know what to do.

"Don't you want to have sex with me, New?" Professor Thon started to touch him.

"No, I don't want" New pushed him away.

"New, if you don't want, you can get out. I don't need you anymore. I already tasted your virgin ass. It was the best. I don't like to taste the same things for multiple times".

"P', aren't we in a relationship?"

"Fxck your relationship. It's really boring. You are so hot at that time but you was in a relationship with Oak. So, I can't do anything to get you. Then, I broke your relationship with Oak and I got you. It was really easy. Everything goes as I planned. I don't want you anymore. I don't need you to have sex with me anymore. I can masturbate while thinking about you. It's the same feelings. Not that difference. If I really want to have sex, I can find Professor Thon to do that. He is really open minded and don't have any feelings like you".

New was crying when Toey started to talk like that. He doesn't know what to do. After a while, Toey and Professor Thon exited the classroom. New was crying alone at there. Someone was crossing the classroom and saw New was crying. It was Oak. He rushed to him to help him.

"New, what happened? Why are you crying alone here?" Oak wiped his tears.

New kept silent.

"Do you want water? I think you got panic attack. Calm down, New" Oak gave him water.

After a while, he came back to normal state. Oak helped him to sit at the chair.

"What happened, New? Why do you look overstressed".

"I don't know. This is the first time I am panicking like this. Because.....cuz..... I just broke up with, P' Toey just now".

"Don't worry, New. But you didn't panic like this when you breakup with me. Maybe your love towards him is more true than mine".

"P', don't start again" New avoided him and went to his house alone.

He was crying throughout the day.

Everyone wants to be in a relationship with me to have sex with me. Not to love me. There is no love in this world. Only lust existed here. I don't want to get hurt like this anymore. I won't be stupid anymore.

He can't accept that Toey cheated him and he also made Oak and New to breakup. It affected him mentally and physically. From that day, he decided that he won't be in a relationship with anyone. If he falls for someone, he also decided to not to have sex with them. He thinks that sex will collapses the relationship. That's why he doesn't want to have sex with anyone including Kai and Tim.


"That's all. Toey was lying to you just now. But you was so stupid and believed him. Now, you already knew what you want to know right. Are you satisfied? You can leave my room now. Just get out. I want to be alone".

New pushed him away from his room and locked the door. Tim disappointed by his own actions.

I really did a bad thing now. P' Toey is really a bad guy. I didn't expect that he will do these kinda shitty things. New must be get hurt so bad. Should I leave him alone now? I want to be with him at this time but he is not letting me. Just wait for him to get better. After that, I can meet him again.

(At night)

Tim bought some food for him and went to his door. He tried to open the door without ranging the doorbell. Then, he realized that he didn't lock that door anymore. He straightaway entered the room and saw that New was sleeping on the bed.

Such a stupid! He is sleeping here without locking the door.

He put the food in the table and went near him while kneeling down on the floor. He realized that his face was so pale. He put his hand on his cheeks to touch him. Suddenly, New opened his eyes and got shocked.

"What are you doing here?".

"I just want to take care of my boyfriend. I bought some food for you. Come, let's eat".

New woke up from the bed and took the chopsticks to eat the food.

"Omaigod, I'm so hungry. Luckily, you bought me the food".

"You are the one who doesn't want to come out from your room. Doesn't want to meet me" Tim fed his shrimp to New.

"Ya, right".

There was a complete silence after that.

"New, I'm sorry, nah. I lied to you that I have an assignment to do with Tack".

"It's okay. I can understand you. You don't have to apologize".

"Don't worry, New. I will always by your side. I won't leave you like Toey did. Don't think about it again. It's happened in the past. But in the present, you have me here. You are someone really special to me. I love you, nah".

"I love you, too, Mr. Timothy".

Tim kissed New's eyebrows.


The story is not going to end. Now, the real story is gonna start. Hope you enjoy reading this part. Keep supporting!!

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