My Love is as a fever Chapter 19 Part I

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"Jeff, did you packed all of your stuff for tomorrow?" Kai gave Jeffrey a phone call.

"Why? Where are we going tomorrow?"

"Did you forget? The visit to a deaf and dumb school".

"Ohh.....I can remember now. Okay, I will pack my stuff. Don't worry, nah".

"Okay, fine. I will pick you up tomorrow morning to the university".

"It's okay. I can come by myself. Don't worry about me".

"Okay. Bye. See you tomorrow".

Kai ended the phone call.

(In the morning)

Kai was waiting for him for a long time but he haven't reached the university. After 10 minutes, he come to the university by cab.

"Jeff, why are you so late? I was waiting for you for a long time. I worried about you".

"Sorry, I woke up late. It's okay. We still have more time".

"Ya, fine. Come let's get into to the bus".

Tim was sleeping in New's room with him. Suddenly, he heard that someone rang his doorbell. Tim went to open the door while Tack was waiting behind the door. The door opened.



Tim was shirtless and wearing a short pants while standing in front of him in New's room.

"Wait, did I rang the doorbell by mistake? Is this your room? Let me check".

"Nope, this is New's room".

"That means I'm correct. What are you doing in New's room? Are you teaching him a biology lesson? But New don't have biology subject in his course and you are looking half naked here. What happened?" Tack asked.

"Tack! Stop teasing me! I also have something to ask. Why did you came to New's room? You should get my permission before you enter his room. Don't come to his room often!"

"Fine, Mrrr. Timothy. Can I come in?"

"Come inside".

Tack locked the door. New also already woke up because of their sound outside. He was sitting at the bed.

"What did you came here?" Tim asked again.

"I have a date with Jenny today. I want to ask some tips from New. That's why I came here. Don't worry! I didn't came here to steal your boyfriend".

"What kinda tips?" New asked.

"That day, you mentioned she likes the way the person kisses her. I just wanna know what kinda kiss? French kiss or Japanese kiss?"

"Hmm......Wait! You guys haven't kiss each other until now!".

"Stop, nah! Don't judge me. I was just too afraid to do that. But I can promise that I will do that today. I'm really confident today".

"Fine. What kinda kiss that she likes? She likes seaweed but she likes croissant too. French or Japanese? I also don't know. Just straightaway ask her!"

"Ah... How to ask her? That's embarrassing".

"Just ask her like this. Do you like seaweed or croissant? If she says seaweed, then go for Japanese kiss. If she says croissant, then go for French kiss. That's all. Very easy".

"Wow... I think that this plan will definitely works out. Thank you, New. Tim, take care of him, nah. He must be having pain".

New was staring at him cluelessly. Tack got off from the room.

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