My Love is as a fever Chapter 22 Part II

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"P', I am going to stay at hostel from tomorrow. Next week is going to be the exam week. It will be easy to study at there" Ohm said.

"Why, Ohm? Am I disturbing you here?"

"Yes, P'. You are a distraction when I started to study. So, I will go to study there. Don't miss me, nah".

"Ohm, now only, we started to love each other. I just want to spend some time with you, nah. Don't go away from me!" Mark put his head on Ohm's shoulder.

"P', I want to get good pointers for my exam. Please, understand me. I will study well if I was in the hostel. Don't worry, nah. After I finished the exam, I straightway will come here to meet you. It's just one week".

"Fine.... You can go to your hostel. If you have any problem, just call me. I will come to meet you immediately. Don't forget that your boyfriend is a police!"

"Hello, Mr. Policeman, you don't have to worry about me. I will take care of myself. You should care about yourself, too. Don't eat too much instant noodles. Don't stay up too late. Go to bed early. It's just gonna be a week. After that, I will start to take care of my boyfriend" Ohm kissed his forehead.

(Exam week)

Everybody started to concentrate on their studies to get good marks from the exam. Therefore, it was easy for Tim and New to ignore each other because they put their attention on studies. Kai also didn't want to disturb Jeffrey from studying so, he just stopped meeting him until he finished the exam. Eventhough Tim and New's are really near, they didn't try to meet each other. Both of them don't want to apologize to each other to solve this problem. They wanted to get back together but they didn't take any initiatives to do that. In that time, the photo of them fighting with each other went viral in the social media.

New heard someone rang his doorbell. He opened the door and it was Max.

"P' Max, why did you came here? Do you want anything from me?"

"I just came here to see you. Can I come inside?"

Max went inside the room.

"New, how are you? I heard that Tim and you already breakup. I just wanna see you that you are alright or not. Are you alright?"

New came near to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for coming here to check me whether I'm alright or not. Thank you for always taking care of me, P' ".

When New hugged him, Max was feeling something uncomfortable.

"New, stop hugging me. Don't come closer to me!"

"Why P'? Are you having fever?"

"Yeah! I am having a fever named New" Max started to become serious.

"What are you telling, P'?"

"New, I always have a crush on you but when I knew that you are in a relationship with Tim, I tried to stop my feelings towards you but I can't. You're my everything in this world. I love you, New".

New was having a Déjà Vu. (Déjà vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before). This is exactly what happened before in his life. Oak broke up with New because of misunderstanding. After the breakup, Toey confessed his love to New. Now, Tim is in Oak's place while Max is in Toey's place. His hands started to shake and his body started to sweat.

"What happened, New? Why do you look so stressed?"

The door was opened. Tim was standing in front of his door to open his door. That's where he saw New was having a panick attack. He straightaway went into New's room and hugged him tightly.

"New, what happened to you? Why did you get panicked now? Don't worry, New. I'm here, nah" Tim saw Max was in that room.

"P' Max, what happened? Why did he get panic now? Why are you in his room now?"

When Max saw them this close, he planned to leave the room immediately. Tim was confused by Max's behaviour. When Tim hugged him, New can remember the past where he was crying alone in the classroom after he knew that Toey cheated him. At that time, Oak came to that classroom and hugged him to make him feel normal.

New imagined that Tim was Oak. He can't see Tim in front of him. He saw Oak in that place. Tim was so worrying about New. He looked so stressed at there.

"Why are you helping me now? Just go away. Don't act like you care about me. You are so selfish. Just go away now" New shouted at Tim.

Tim unwrapped his hands from New.

"What's your problem, New? I just wanna help you".

"I don't need your help, P'. Just get out from my room".

"Fine. This is what you want right" Tim went out from his room.

New was alone in the room while crying. He became normal after a while. Tim was so confused by New. When he tried to help New, he just avoided him. So, Tim decided to not to see him again. But he still confused when New used the P' word. He won't use that word when talking to Tim. He always address him by Mr. Timothy or Timothy.

(After the exam end)

After Kai finished his exam, he straightaway went to Jeffery's exam hall to pick him up.

"Jeff, how was your exam?"

"It was okay. How about you?"

"It was difficult but I managed to do it. Come, let's go somewhere. It's been a long time I saw you. I really missed you, nah".

"I also missed you, Kai. But I don't want to go anywhere now. I want to go to my room to take some rest".

"Fine. Then, I will come with you, too. Are you going to your parents' house tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Kai. I am going to my father's house during this semester break. I already spoke to my mother. There is no problem".

"Oh.... That means I'm really going to miss you".

"You don't have to miss you. I'm still at Bangkok. We can meet at anytime and don't forget that you said that you will convince my parents to agree about the move in together plan".

"I didn't forget. We will convince them in this semester break. So, I can spend my next whole semester with you. I really excited for that".

"P', don't get too overexcited! First, you try to convince my parents. Haha".

"Okay, fine. I am going to succeed in that" Kai put his hand on Jeff's shoulder.

New went to his room and lied down on his bed while taking some rest. Suddenly, he got a phone call from his mother.

"Sawasdee krub, mom".

"Sawasdee, New. Did you finished your exam?"

"Yeah, mom. It was quite difficult but I can do it, mom".

"New, are you coming to our house tomorrow?"

"Yeah, mom. I will take the train to come there tomorrow".

"Actually, your granduncle wants to meet you. He also staying at Bangkok. Go and meet him, nah. You don't have to come here. You can spend your semester break at his house. It's really a big and fancy house".

"Mom, who is this granduncle? You didn't talk about him before".

"He is your grandmother's brother. His name is Pawin. He really wants to meet you".

"Okay, mom. I will go there. Share me the location to me. I will meet him tomorrow".

"Okay, then bye. Take care".

"Bye, krub. Take care, mom".

New disconnected the call and started to think about this granduncle. He don't know anything about his granduncle. At the same time, he missed Tim so much. He planned that he will spend his semester break with Tim but unfortunately he is not with him anymore.


New characters going to be introduced in the next chapter. Share some love to me in comment section. I love to read that. Thank you so much.

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