Docu Series S-1 EP 5/38 "Forgotten"

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Sammy: Today's episode is a bit different. Instead of the MC asking me questions and my friends explain as well as myself I'm going to be talking to my mom. A quick warning as well, I'm mentioning my suicide attempts, severe anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, and depression in this episode. As well as abuse. So if you are sensitive to any of those topics you can skip this video. Without further ado, onto the episode.


Sammy: Hi Mom!

Chaeyoung: Samuel!

*the two hug*

Chaeyoung: I'll make us some tea. *smiles softly at her son*


Sammy: So mom, what was your life like before us?

Chaeyoung: Easy. Very very easy but boring. I was a student at a private school. My parents were super rich like eat the rich level rich.

Sammy: Yikes...

Chaeyoung: But they weren't inherently bad or good people. Well besides Uncle Lee but no one talks to that homophobic asshole.

Sammy: *chuckles*

Chaeyoung: My brother Geonu and I would walk to school as everyone else started working at their jobs or going to meetings. We were a business oriented family. Business was key. If something wasn't marketable drop it. We kept eyes on everyone in the family closely. The media loves to take anything and run a mile with it. So when I got pregnant with you I knew that was going to be the talk of the century. My dad agreed that he'd allow me to stay at home until I gave birth. I stayed in school. I graduated before you came into this world and then my father abandoned me. My mother tried getting in touch several times but my father always stops her.

Sammy: Asshole.

Chaeyoung: I have no idea what has happened with my family. I am trying to find their social media's to keep tabs on them. Maybe message Geonu and see if we can be friends again.

Sammy: *smiles* Seems like you and your brother were very close.

Chaeyoung: Yeah... he trusted me with all his secrets even his gender identity. See Geonu was originally a girl but transitioned to be a guy through Micheal and Adam. We're the sort of disowned children in the family.

Sammy: You raised us well mom.

Chaeyoung: I know people may view me as a whore for having children with four different men but-

Sammy: Those people don't matter. We're here. We were meant to be here.

Chaeyoung: Then you should never be forgotten sweetie.

Sammy: Mom?

Chaeyoung: *tears in eyes* I don't want to see you hurting but I see it every time I watch these videos. You've experienced so much and I couldn't protect my little boy.

Sammy: *chokes* Mom *tears* Don't... you'll make me cry... *small smile*

Chaeyoung: What mom am I if I can't protect my children.

Sammy: ....

Chaeyoung: I should have loved you harder.

Sammy: *recognition*

Chaeyoung: You remember the day we all sat down around the tv and watched your favorite show as a kid?

Sammy: Ursa said the same thing to Azula... I should have loved you harder.... you remembered the comics...

Chaeyoung: How could I forget when you worked your butt off busking with Hiro watching from the sidelines. You bought the comics and had me read them to you at night. "The Search" was your favorite. You sympathized with Azula and Zuko but adored Aang.

Sammy: Because I always tried to be the happy go lucky kid that was positive. In the end I grew up to fast with the world on my shoulders. I remember when I was sixteen and you told me, "No matter what happens to me or to your family you'll always have us with you." That was the same thing with Aang. He lost the Air Benders, his family, but they were still there in a new form of love, Katara, Sokka, and Toph and later on Zuko.

Chaeyoung: You adore Zuko.

Sammy: I mean what's not to love about the abused son of a dictator?

Chaeyoung: *deadpans* Seriously? That's what you label him as?

Sammy: Nah I label him as an Awkward Turtleduck that has Daddy Issues.

Chaeyoung: Your dream about a better safer world for younger kids, when did you first think of that?

Sammy: I was nine or ten I think?

Chaeyoung: Possibly twelve. Jonghyun filled your head with many things.

Sammy: Good or bad??

Chaeyoung: Both.

Sammy: What???


Chaeyoung: There will always be a small part of you holding back from involving yourself with others.

Sammy: What do you mean?

Chaeyoung: Your hesitant to tell anyone about what's bothering you. I just wish you could tell me so I could help you. I'm so scared of losing you.

Sammy: I won't be forgotten.

Chaeyoung: It doesn't matter if you won't be forgotten. It matters that you can live to tell your own legacy. To tell the story of a boy who rose from nothing to everything. A boy who helped hundreds find themselves while he struggled to find himself.

Sammy hugs his mom. "I know more now than I did years ago." Chaeyoung smiles. "I know and I'm so proud of you."


I needed a sweet ending ok. I hate seeing Sammy suffer.

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