Is it? Chapter 11

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~Johns POV~

''I am sorry bean''

What is he sorry for? It was my fault.

''It's okay-y''


''Hey guys don't forget we are here!'' Peggys voice was easy to figure out

''Yeah don't fuck in front of us''

What the fuck laf!

Alex gets off me barley blushing but me I was a blushing mess.

''Okay guys but seriously we need to talk about what happened.'' Peggy said grounding us

''Yeah of course'' Alex says

We talk about it for awhile. Unfortunately since the writers lazy we will only focus on some parts. 

(AN: Me writing that part 👁️👄👁️)

Soon we taking about my least favorite part. Peggy starts talking about something that I thought was off limits.

''John wants his first kiss to be specia-'' I slap her mouth shut

''Okay thats enough! Keep the story going!''

Alex was paying way too much for comfort. Why would he care? He doesn't even like me! 

Everyone was staring at me

Peggy pushed my hand off her face.

''I was going to stop after that but since you made me shut up I am going to keep going.''

''Fuck you Peggy''

''I care about you too!''

''Okay anyway like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted''

Peggy stare can kill anyone.

''John believes in soulmates. He wants to find someone that will make him as happy as he makes them happy. It's honestly pretty dumby cute.''

I cover up my face because my face was blood red.

Everyone was staring at me.

''L-lets keep the story-y going''

''Okay sounds fair okay anyway-''

The conversation kept going. I look at Alex every time I get the chance to. Wait I remember Jefferson called Alex


What's up with that?   

I ask him later or never really depends.

''Okay the end of the story! Any questions?'' Alex says

''U-um yeah I have a question.''

''What is it bean? Ask me anything. You deserve answers.''

''Y-yeah. When you and Jefferson-n were yelling at each other. In the heat of the moment Jefferson called you Alexander what's up with that?''

Everyone was confused that was never brought up. Everyone stared at Alex.

~Alexs POV~

I feel like my brain wanted to forget about that.

Should I answer that? I mean John wants answers but that's question for me was kinda off limits. 

''I-I um.''

I got out.

''I-I mean you don't answer-r that. I am s-sorry it was a dumb-b question I s-shouldn't have aske-''

''That is my real-l first name. Jefferson calls me that to mock me. The last time someone actual said my real name was my cousin-n.''

Hot tears started to exit my eyes to my face. I quickly wipe them away.

Welp I just kinda ruined the moment.

~Johns POV~ 

I really shouldn't have asked. I feel like I got stabbed when Alex cried.

Peggy goes to give him a hug

''Hey-y its okay. I am happy you were so open about that. We won't bring that up again if you don't wanna talk about it we won't.''

''T-thanks'' Alex sniffed

I am not going to lie I was kinda jelly. 

What if Alex was straight? And I am chasing a guy that would never like me back.

''G-guys I w-will go to-o sleep-p.''

I held back tears.

''It's only 7 but okay go ahead!''

Peggys bright smile made it so hard to not smile back.

''Okay guys lets go into the living room so John can sleep in his bed.''

Everyone stood up and left to the living room.

''Good night John!'' Everyone said sort of unison.

''Night John see you in the morning!'' Alex smiled and waved

I wave back.

Laf turns off the lights.

My brain starts razing.

He hates you. 

You basically almost killed him just because you were being stupid.

He probably likes Peggy or some other girl.

Why would he like me?

I am just a stranger to him.

I am so tired. I just wanna sleep not cry.

I am pretty sure this is just a nightmare.

Is it?

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