I have to pay for more drinks- Chapter 36

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~3rd person POV~

A lot of tears and pulls and ''STAYYYYYYYY'' 's were cried out just from the gang leaving home. 

Alex didn't cry for 2 reasons.

1) He doesn't cry often

2) His dad was gonna drive his son (alex) back to Kings college.

But don't think no tears were shed- cut to martha sobbing because her adopted sons are leaving and she won't get to see them till winter break

"Martha let go off the children." Washingdad said trying to pry laf and alex out of martmom's iron grip.

She just kept them in her iron grip squeezing them a tad bit more.

Laf didn't really seem to mind the fact he couldn't really breathe correctly but alex was trying to escape.

"They are staying-g I can- I can-" Her voice was getting desperate but a bulb seemed to light up in her head "I can home school them!" Martmom said happily clearly happy with her own answer.

"And thats a no-" Washingdad freed alex from martha. Alex almost hugged him before thinking that would be weird.  

"Why not? I am smart aren't I?" Martmom asked her husband with an over dramatic offended voice and face. 

"Yes honey but we can't just-"

"Sure we can!" Martmom wrapping her arms around america's favorite fighting frenchman.

Washingdad asked for help from alex and after being hesitant agreed to help free the Lafayette.

~Timeskip brought to you by the 2 empty Gatorade that are on a desk~ 

To sum up what it took to get martmom to let go of her son is like trying to sum up every little thing from world history in order.

Clearly the narrator (me- 3rd person POV person thing) doesn't have time so lets just say they were lucky class doesn't start until the next day.

It was so late when laf and alex got back everyone was either asleep or passed out drunk from partying when they got back.

They both departed to sleep or laf did alex not so much.

He wanted to see his john and was worried if something happened even though john kept saying everything was fine practically every minute. 

Alex stayed up the entire night scribbling in his journal.

Below is piece of writing he wrote 

John, Jackie, Jacky, Jack (---)

He also wrote johns number all over as not to forget it even though he already had john's contact saved in his phone.

So you can say he was going just a tad bit insane and he would just respond with 'yes'

~Next morning~

When John woke up from 3 hour sleep he checked the time

5:43 am

He stretched and got up to clear his bruises and take some pain relievers to help ease the pain of his stomach and bruises. 

John heard peggy wake up after he changed.

5:57 am

Now you might ask-

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