What is this feeling? Chapter 14

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(AN: The meme is the other way but whatever! I figured out when I sit down to write I don't just write one chapter. How do I know? This is my 3nd chapter in one setting. But ye back to the story!)

~Johns POV~

''Good joke Peggy now use that pun on Maria''

Peggy turned a bright red

''N-no plus this is about your crush! Now tell me why you like him?''

''He is not a crush but fine okay.'' 

''Whatever you say!''

''O-oh yeah. I like him AS A FRIEND for basically for everything. He could sneeze and that becomes my favorite thing about him. But right now his hair is my favorite thing about him.''

''Aw that's actual really cute!''

''Really? Thanks''

*Ring Ring*

''I am sorry I will be right back its my mom.''

''Sure go right ahead!'' 

Peggy leaves now I am alone. Maria is still here at least.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate.

I hear the door open. So I naturally turn to see who entered.

I choke on my hot chocolate.


Well i'ma die really quick.

What the fuck is this feeling?


It feels like my heart going a billions of millions a mile. 

~Alexs POV~

I walk to the café like always.

I tried to be as quiet as possible. I always try to be as quiet when entering

1) I don't wanna draw attention to myself

2) If there was people in there I don't want them to start their day by seeing me.

''Oh hey Maria!''

Maria looked somewhere else and looked at me almost laughing.

What's so funny?

''O-oh hey Alex I already have your drink ready!''

''Oh wow thanks Maria!''

''No problem! It's my job right?'' She chirped before quickly looking where she was looking at.

I need to know what she is looking at.

I turn to see a red faced John.

~Johns POV~

As soon as Alex came in Maria looked right at me.

So after Maria kept looking at me Alex looked to see what she was looking at.

I have a deep feeling Maria knew what she was doing.

I wish intend of doing this she should be doing P-

''Oh hey John! Can I sit here?''

Welp I have been spotted.

''O-oh um yeah-h go ahead-d.''

I felt my cheeks burning. I was sure they were going to melt but they didn't. 

Alex sat right next to me

''I didn't know you come here.''

''I don't Peggy just wanted to come here.''

Wait I am here because Peggy wants to talk about Alex.

''What are you drinking?''

He takes a sip of coffee or whatever else this place has.

''U-um hot chocolate-e.''

''You should blow on it your face is red!'' He laughed

Well fuck.

''Nah it's-s actually cold.''

''Let me see''

He grabs the cup out of my hand.

For a split second our hands just a little.

If I wasn't blushing now I definitely was now.

He feels around the cup looking for hot spots.

''It's not hot then why are you so red? Are you sick?''

''U-um no I am not-t'' I was slowly dying.

Why did he care so much?

Does he like me?

No way! This is stuff friends do all the time! They care for each other!  

He started touching my forehead to see if I had a fever.

''Doesn't look like you have fever.''

''Because I don't''

''What did you say?''

''O-oh um nothing.''

''Oh yeah why are you here to begin with? I never seen you here!''

''U-um yeah Peggy took me here to talk about stuff-f.''

''What kind of stuff?''



Well that's a lame response.

''Oh cool! What classes do you have?''

''just law and debate.''

I looked to the floor feeling my smile kind disappear. I just remembered what more like who made me take those classes.

''Hey you okay?''

I totally just fucking ruined this moment.

I caught myself before I started crying.

''O-oh yeah of-f course!''

I could tell he could see right threw me he didn't bring it up but I knew.

Then I see a wild Peggy looking right at us.

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