s t o r m c h a p t e r . Chapter 32

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(AN: You all saw this coming-)

(AN: Also apologizes if my writing is all over the place....)

(AN: I will be adding TW's as I go so um

TW: mentions of rape (for the last time)

~Alexs POV~

The storm outside only got worse from there to my dismay.

I sat on the couch this time in case I needed a quick exit I could easily just run for the door without having to pick myself up.

John just stood there probably not knowing what to say to make this whole thing easier for me.

''J-just say it how it was-s don't sugarcoat it-t.'' I blurted not really thinking about it.


He sat down on the couch with me before scooting farther away from me. After that he just looked around on the couch and taking small glances at me.

''U-um. S-so um there is this guy u-um called f-francis and-d we have known each other for a-a um really long time h-he was n-nice then.'' He smiled a little looking like he remembered something but the smile dropped soon after that.

''He um stopped being so nice-e after a while-e like it seemed like a door opened that wasn't open before now was-s.''

I was going to interrupt him but decided against it.


''He um one day started um....'' John got really quiet.

''Y-You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to-o.'' I said trying not to grab his hand because I didn't want make this seem to fast or forced.

John just nodded slowly.

''He would wait till nobody was there and then um he would um make me do things.....'' 


I could feel my blood boiling seeing how John was saying everything. I wasn't mad at john in anyway shape or form but now I know where to put all my anger in.

John was holding a pillow close to his chest crying quietly on it.

He looked up at me before speaking more maybe thinking he wasn't convincing me even though he was.

(AN: If you hear any sort of story mostly about rape or sexual assault please please BELIEVE THEM! They are valid till the person who hurt them is proven with 110% proof not guilty. Always support them they would probably like you to do that)  

''Y-You don't believe me do you-u?'' He asked looking at the carpet.


''I-I believe you-u.'' I answer looking at him trying to calm myself down from the loud crashes outside.

''C-can you guess what happened-d?''


We sat in silence for awhile.


I couldn't hold it all in anymore and quickly wrapped john in a hug taking him off guard but hugging me back a few seconds later.

''I'msorry-'' He mumbled into my shoulder.

''D-don't be.''

~Time skip brought to you by storm chapter™~

We were like that for forever just hugging and comforting each other. John said we could take more about everything tomorrow because it was getting late.

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