Just the longest A.N. ever created- Chapter 29

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(AN: I hope that this comes out before halloween or maybe on Jack's- wait FRICK THAT IS ALEX's NICKNAME TO JOHN- *ahem* on John's birthday on october 28. If so- HAPPY 266 YEARS OF BIRTH JOHN! ANYWAY. On with the story! TW: mentions of rape-)

(P.S past me was being dumb but I will try to make a completly differnet book for birthdays for my wattpad family and everyone related  any sort with alexander hamilton. I will start with Johns birthday tomorrow :D)

~Johns POV~

I- this is so weird.

I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions. Like every part of me wants to forget everything like it never happened. One part of me wants to just move past it and go back to normal. Normal being not this. Another part of me wants to give up and take a break by locking myself up so I wouldn't have to face anyone.

Just so many thoughts going through my head.

Peggy has been having everyone come over like everyday.

Believe me I like it a ton but I just wanna stay in my room and never leave.

But seeing alex kills me.

I am still not to sure if it a good way or bad way.
I love seeing him but I- I hurt him.

~Earlier in the morning (from the last chapter)~

I woke up with the sun in my eyes.


I couldn't even think before Peggy made her presence known.


''hey peggy-''

''Get ready the guys are coming!'' Peggy started walking out of my room and was passing m door frame

''When are they not.'' I whispered.

I covered my mouth looking at Peggy but she was already in her room. 


Like I said don't get the wrong idea I love hanging out with the gang but just not the right time. But then again if I say that Peggy would have to cancel all the plans I know she has with everyone and I don't wanna be the reason for that.

I get up and change. Putting on a grey shirt and a blue hoodie over it and some grey pants that herc made me.

I enter the kitchen to see peggy (wearing maria's wool sweater) in the middle of a mess of curling irons, hair straighteners, hair ties and clips, random hair products and clothes that still had the tags on.

Peggy seemed intrace with thought for a few seconds until spotting me.

''Oh hey!'' Peggy quickly stood up and walked away from the mess.

''What are you doing?'' I ask picking up one of the hair straighteners.

''Somethin''' Peggy snatches the hair straightener from my grip.

''Very specific.'' I say sarcastically.

Peggy simply nods before putting down the hair straightener on the carpet.

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