the plan chapter 26

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(AN: Sorry for the weird updating schedule but expect me to update every week at least. OKAY LETS GET TO THE STORY)

~Johns POV~

I couldn't think.

My heart was beating so fast it hurt against my rib cage.

''I-I will be right back. Peggy I can you give me your keys?''

Peggy looked at me with her eyes filled with concern and worry.

''Yeah... yeah of course.''

She grabbed her keys out of her pocket and handed it to theodoisa and she gave it to me.

I snatch the keys and just run to my dorm.

How is he back?

Why is he back?


I run upstairs. I see my dorm in my sight.

I was against the door finding the right key.

This one? That didn't work.

What about this one? Nope.

After a bunch of failed attempts I found the right key and run inside. I quickly lock the door.


 Am I?

I wouldn't be surprised if francis found my dorm number. I need to stop thinking about it. But it's always in the back of my head but know it is all I can think about.

I push the bookshelf to cover the door. I still don't feel like that is enough.

I push the couch for extra protection.

That was a lot of work.

I curl up into a ball with my knees close to my chest sobbing uncontrollably.

~3rd person~

(AN: I haven't used this awhile. Probably because I don't know how to write this way but bear with me.)

After John left running the gang thought about chasing after him but decided against it for a lot of different reasons. The main one being John needed time to calm down. They will check on him later.

They didn't know John was crying on the floor feeling helpless.

He cursed under his breath. Things he understood but some of it was gibberish.

Alex was busy write page 51 for a assignment that had a max of 25 pages.

Oh where is francis?

~Flashback brought to you by 13 skittles I am eating as I am writing this~  

Philip Schuyler was curious about this man his daughter and people was talking to called.... what was it again? Oh yeah


He feels like he has heard it from his friend Henry Laurens

(AN: I hate how I am writing right now it seems to proper like I am not writing to a god.) 

He pulls out his cell phone and rings his best bud.

Calling Henry L.

Mr. Laurens pick up fast because he has nothing better to do plus it is his friend.

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